The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Political? A guy rips people off a will. Same guy can’t take criticism and with the money he makes off stolen designs will sue you for it. Where is the politics. That’s a weak deflection.

If you have B, use B…that’s fine. It says NOTHING negative about the user. Me I won’t. But the issue is the owner of the company. He’s just a bad guy. And is the king of the double standard. And that does NOT reflect at all on the end user.
I don’t think him or his company deserve ANY support.

But again to be clear. NONE of Bs negativity is a depiction of the user. It’s just a shit company.


Why stop at the thread ?


Best price?? that is a fake asset that they try to fool you with!

Best price is my boutique synths that have character and love build in to it, you could develop
a really good relationship with your instruments that have good sounds and is a pleasure to work with:

Dreadbox typhon 300

Roland sh01 300

Monostation 250

Uno synth 109

Micromonster 2 300


This is it right here. When I sold what little behringer gear I had I bought a couple dreadbox synths and felt really good and enjoyed the experience so much more.


That jumpsuit though…

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I’ll admit that I had not read the complete post, but went on the few snippets featured in the video higher up.

Reading the complete post, at least the tone sound a lot better to me.

However, there’s a couple of points that’s a bit disingenuous:

I’m personally saddened that this has now been turned into a public event

He’s trying to make it sound like other people (or specifically the person that made the video) turned this into a media circus, while all B wanted to do was quietly work with charities. However it was someone from B that blabbered it out, and the video was only responding to that

whilst also protecting the identities of the children

Nobody asked for the identities of the children. Why even mention that.

It just sounds like some carefully crafted diversion talk. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Even if not as calculated as it may sound, the response is so heavy handed. It’s as if they are so used to run everything through a team of lawyers. This is the guy that handles their charity! Couldn’t he maybe show us a warmer more human side? The video contained a fairly friendly challenge. Maybe respond likewise? Mention to the guy that you are happy to see he has raised so much money, invite him to a chat. Be a human once in a while.


I don’t know man. I think this is more about the fact that no matter what B does, some people will find something wrong with it. Giving synths to charity is just their latest evil doing.

You mean NOT giving synths to charity after bragging about giving synths to charity? Yeah, I do that every day. Totally normal and cool.


Consider the statement:

Sometimes it is not everyone else who is wrong, it’s you.


agree…to add to your point, its like the following example…

  • a leader has one or or two employees that aren’t working out. more often than not, there are issues with those employees.
  • all the employees have issues…almost certainly the leader is the issue.

What do you mean? In the post they state : ”We have been diligently working on this project for months, and will absolutely deliver on our promise to provide synthesizers to children’s charities and foundations. We have even increased the amount from 1,000 to 1,500 synthesizers to serve all of the many organizations below.”

What makes you think they won’t give synths to charity?

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Basically everything. The promise was made well over a year ago. Nothing happened. Now that Benn brought it up, they tried some crappy damage control which itself turned out to be false/untrue.

I have zero trust in Uli Behringer ever coming through with his promise. He’s the Trump of synths, basically.


how long ago was the offer made…

something like that could be in motion the same day. making contacts, setting up allocation. I mean to be generous, lets say a week. there could have been a plan in place fairly quickly.

I just saw @Wolf-Rami 's post…a YEAR?! ya no…there has been now effort made to start that donation.


I don’t think they promised any strict time as to when they will send the synths. It might take some planning to send synths to hundreds of organizations. Synths are not food for starving children. So what if it takes a year to send them?

This whole thing is just good old Behringer bashing, nothing more. Haters gonna hate.

Point is everything is fake…all good for me you buy the stuff you think is good for you

But taking poor children to sell synths is just crossing a bad line of decency.


I’d love to see the 1500 synths to charity happen, with verifiable proof, but I won’t hold my breath.


At this point with all the hype around it now I believe it’ll happen…kinda feel like it has to at this point. I’m just hoping people don’t forget about it 6 months and they can just sweep it under the rug again.

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It sounds good and doesn’t break the bank. Those are good qualities in a synth for many. I am not buying furniture, these are tools.

Giving synths to charity is a good thing.

I don’t really think that the Arturia stuff is worth comparing too much, but beyond the mutable instrument stuff they also applied for the trade mark for Synthi which is a still in production product by EMS and used deception to get a notable Synthi repair person to come help with the software (who resigned once he realized what was going on). Seems like they might have the habit of calling in people to “help” when they don’t actually want help and really just want to slap a name on something. For me it is enough for me to question Arturia stuff, not really convinced they have fixed the problem. They aren’t really actively vindictive though.

I thought we were over the build quality discussion, that was the main point to bash B back in 2016. Behringer synths are solid and there are no more issues than with other brands.

Is Behringer stealing from poor kids? That’s a new one.