The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Are there synths in the market without chinese components? I don’t think there are. It’s double-standard if you boycott Behringer while buying stuff from other manufacturers who use chinese chips - many even use Behringer (CA) chips…

i don’t think there’s basically any new electronic equipment that didn’t at least a component made in china. or plastic for that matter.

you’re hugely sidestepping the power of marketing and economic realities here. it’s truly a priviledge to be abled to make all the right choices, most people don’t get to. for example for a lot of people, the choice is behringer or no (analog) synth at all, as opposed to behringer or a more expensive boutique synth.

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Did I say Chinese components somewhere?
I guess there’s nothing on this planet without Chinese components. That’s something I have learned to live with. I have no problem with Chinese components. It seems that you deliberately misunderstand everything or twist it to try to prove a point.

Still hats off and congrats for spending days or maybe weeks fighting the good fight for Uli. I certainly would’ve grown tired by now if I was you. Shows great dedication on your part.


it’s maybe a bit elitist to dismiss behringer as cheap plasticky crap from china, as opposed to the more expensive, plastic non-crap from china other companies make. just an observation.

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No deliberate twisting in this message. You boycott Behringer because they come from China, but it’s okay if everyone else uses chinese parts because “there is nothing on this planet without chinese components”?

My point was, why boycott Behringer if everything else comes from China as well?

Complains about ongoing Behringer argument.

Continues to argue about Beringer.


Ok - I didn’t say Muffs was totally anti Behringer - but there is an entire pro & anti thread ( like this one ) there too, with stuff like :

“Uli is aggressively targeting individuals who he deems to have bruised his ego, this can ruin their lives.
Would anyone else here choose this path with the resources and talents Uli has to hand?”

"what has Behringer ever done for innovation, That is positive? Why does no one copy their shit?
They tout competition is good? how? they steal, they don’t offer a better product, only a cheaper one, as they didn’t invest in the design.
No reason to innovate if you’ll just be ripped off by ULI, in the process he’s bought and killed many great companies and stripped them to cloning shit instead of innovating.
Behringer was busted stealing Mackie PCBs as they copied the error,
Behringer avoided UL/CE licensing, and were busted. ULI is a shit. "

I was just responding to the claim that

At most other forums (including Gearslutz), Behringer threads are pretty much hate-free these days.


I’d say we’re all a bit elitist on this forum. (Mostly) white, (mostly) middleaged, (mostly) men who (mostly all) belong to the richest 5% on this planet with 10000€ worth of synths with which we hardly ever make any music but instead spend our time arguing about our gear on a forum.


Great, isn’t it.


Just answering the original question, when Darenager wondered why there is so much hate towards Behringer at Elektronauts. I’m happy to continue arguing unless they ban me for it :slight_smile:

Some of us survived without analogue synths for most of our lives. I did’t get one until my early forties. There were affordable analogue synths before Behringer entered the market and even cheaper software alternatives.


speak for yourself :yum: :sweat_smile:

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i hear ya, i’m all of those things yet i was poor for a long time before getting to where i am now so i know what it’s like to have a huge need to make music yet have no money at all. this is why behringer is succesful, it’s why they will continue to be succesful and why if they for some reason go bankrupt, there will be a new behringer the very next day making cheap plasticky crap in china. most likely it will be a chinese company, and possible won’t actually care if their synths sound good or not.

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ah, so we’re at the point where the argument is that we don’t really NEED synths? you’re right, we could all live without synths, or the internet or most of modern comforts just fine. this is turning philosophical!

I was just attempting to tackle the point about Behringer being affordable often being used to justify or gloss over their track record for shitty behaviour.

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My intention was not to justify anything, merely point out why they’re succesful as a company despite their often catastrophic media stunts. I don’t think you could justify that video mocking the journalist, anyway. Copying other companies tho needs no justification IMO, copying is a built in feature of capitalism and everyone does it to some degree. as i said, behringer are just a bit more cynical than most.


Arturia and Korg were both making affordable analog synths before Behringer at similar prices.


sure, so did other companies. however none of them had a whole line of affordable analog synths that are really versatile and sound great (like the original ones they copied).

Indeed they were. My first synths were Korg Volca Keys, Bass and Arturia Microbrute. They have limitations but I’d still recommend them to anyone starting out in hardware.

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