The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

You brought it back around again with a pun :joy:

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I do my best

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The last part of your post is just elitist garbage. No one is entitled to anything, really. Again, this is a philosophical question that has little to do with budget synthesizers.

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Bit harsh

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Agreed, and I don’t mean to attack the poster, just the tone and contents of his post. Just because it was hard for us to save money for decent gear when we were younger is not a reason to wish it on anyone. On the contrary, technological advance should produce more companies like Behringer who make affordable and high quality gear. Just not evil like Behringer, hah.

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It’s a tricky one because you’re having to compensate for a large percentage of people who don’t care in the slightest bit about the environment… I moved to a rural town here in the UK and was really impressed with how clean / tidy it was. A McDonalds opened shortly after I moved there and shortly after that I was seeing McDonalds crap literally everywhere. Those paper straws will biodegrade and become part of the carbon cycle again where was the straws that inevitably do end up in the ocean wont and are a tricky issue to solve after the fact. This might not’ve been the best example but was the first that came to mind. I’m going to leave this example behind though as it tempts me towards political stuff which never goes down well on forums haha!


Would love to know what was elitist about it, This is all a bit of a sore subject for me and there’s definitely a bit of frustration towards people because of it so I’m sorry if that reflects in my tone writing that.

I just mean that no one needs Behringer to make music, lots of people have had studios full of expensive gear and have sold it to go ITB where there’s more than enough free stuff to do pretty much anything you could ever need to do. There’s also other companies offering stuff at similar prices to Behringer and you also have the 2nd hand market which I made extensive use of when I was getting into all this and has actually ended up being a profitable thing for me too and has part funded later, more expensive purchases.

Basically I can’t see any real good reason for buying Behringer over the other options available… I get that there’s a certain appeal to their stuff because of Nostalgia but I personally don’t think that’s a good reason to buy gear, especially (and this is debatable) when their clones don’t necessarily do a good job of capturing the quirks that made those classic bits of gear classics in the first place.

I think and could be wrong here that the fate of many peoples Behringer purchases are that they’ll end up being resold at a later date for a loss which is a shame when you could’ve made a profit had you gone the route of buying 2nd hand. This is something which is definitely worth keeping in mind for those who’re hard on money.


On the subject of plastic, I recently read an article where it said it has been discovered that some organisms have already evolved to completely break it down.

I think we as consumers need to be careful in determining what just feels good to what actually does good. Like others here I’m old enough to remember a few initiatives which were put in place to solve an eco problem, only to create a worse one.

But yeah getting off topic and straying into political stuff now, so I’ll leave it there.


Link? Not questioning the veracity of your claim, just curious.


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Interesting stuff for sure and I really agree with this “I think we as consumers need to be careful in determining what just feels good to what actually does good” I think we’re seeing a lot of this in the world today and I try and always remind my self to look into who is proposing this ‘great idea’… Like with the straw example, if I found out the pressure on companies to stop using plastic straws was coming from a company producing paper straws, I’d be at least suspicious that the motives here are maybe more financially motivated than ethically.

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The boycott has nothing to do with China and everything to do with poor business ethics.

Re: negativity…elektronauts it’s is easily one of the most civil music forums. You compare to Gearslutz…I guess you’ve never read what’s on there. And have to been to Muffs or WATMM? Hoooo boy!

deleted previous post to avoid the double up


That would be a start…but with the behaviour he has exhibited, it would probably take a while to repair the damage.

It takes one second to break something, it can take years to fix it.

But it’s NEVER too late start.

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I dont know. I think we all go down dark roads at some stage in our lives. Maybe one day he will regret his actions. But i wont dismiss anyone for eternity unless their out and out evil. Hes not a nice guy but i dont think he’s evil. Therefore lets see where he goes from here. Dont throw away the key just yet.


For you it doesn’t, but for Wolf-Rami it obviously did have something to with him being against Chinese products.

Elektronauts is quite civil as long as you don’t challenge peoples opinions. However, if you dare to like Behringer, people are not so nice anymore, most people here then act like this:

People have been civil towards you, though. They just don’t get how you can have any respect for the way Uli has treated people who say bad things about his products. Also, it is perfectly possible to not like the man and the way he instructs his team to bully people but still like the products that they make.


So they released a joke video depicting a synth reviewer as a synth snob 8 months ago? I’d say, get over it. It really isn’t that serious. I don’t really pay too much attention to that or lose sleep over said joke video.

What I pay attention though is the fact that Behringer has good products for good prices at a time when most other brands really aren’t releasing anything interesting.

It’s also the lawsuits and the aggressive responses to any criticism. But anyway, seeing as you (and we) keep making the same points over and over again (and we’re getting nowhere here), maybe it is time to…

(Meaning both sides)


Which is the more interesting product, the RD6 or the TR06?

I mean, you’re half right, Beringer does have some good products for good prices, but let’s not pretend they’ve got the monopoly on interesting products for the past year or so.

So the Hydrasynth isn’t interesting?
What about the Modal Cobalt 8?
Or the Korg Wavestate and Opsix?
Or the Roland Jupiter Xm?
Or the Micromonsta 2?
Or the Dreadbox Typhon?
Or the Pulsar 23?
Or even the little Model:Cycles?

Not even a little bit interesting?


You’ve just described a confirmation bias.

Essentially this means a preference for reverb of that which one already believes, and a disinterest in gathering objective facts to understand truth.

It’s ok to have preferences; hence chocolate and vanilla.
Whichever you prefer, consider simply that affinity and objective goodness aren’t necessarily related.
It’s ok to like Häagen-Dazs more than Ben & Jerry’s, or vice-versa. It’s ok to seek community with others who share your preference.
However, when an ice cream lover refuses to try Häagen-Dazs because he believes Ben & Jerry’s is The Best, the only person he hurts is himself.