The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Not exactly.

However, after 35ish years of using synthesizers, designing synthesizers, building synthesizers, owning just about any synthesizer I ever wanted, I would say I’m in a position to “know what I like”. So I check out videos from people that I know generally think in a similar way, because it’s a baseline indicator that I’ll PROBABLY like the synth.

In fact, I don’t really even need to watch videos at all to know if I’m going to like a synthesizer. I’ve never been disappointed by a synth purchase. Maybe with the interface on some, but overall, I can tell if it’s something I want or not without anyone else confirming it. I actually watch synth videos more for nerdy entertainment reasons than anything else.

As to your ice cream analogy, it’s not that I only want one ice cream because it’s the one I’ve always liked. (and need someone else to confirm that this is correct) It’s more, I’ve had them all (at least the ones that don’t make me want to vomit :smiley: ) and will buy from any brand that makes an ice cream that I would like. Though I still have my obvious favorites, and would listen to someone’s recommendation to try an ice cream if I knew they had similar taste.


Honestly, none of those have made me consider buying them. Either after hearing how they sound, after looking at the features, or after looking at the price tag I have lost interest.

Elektron is particularly disappointing. Even though I understand Model:Cycles can be fun for some, I have been spoiled by their old boxes. And they don’t seem to develop boxes like those anymore.

@Fin25’s list is an awesome selection of synths that are way more interesting and unique than anything Behringer has done in the last couple of years. Now I just think you’re either trolling or being contrary for the sake of it.


Nope, not trolling. I honestly prefer my Behringer Deepmind and Pro-1 to those. Even though it may be hard to believe, I think they are better and more interesting.

Looking at sales charts, some seem to agree actually.

I would completely agree that those synths are far more interesting than B’s offerings. The Hydrasynth alone could hold that title for the next decade at least.

I would say that B makes some good filler synths though. Synths where maybe you don’t want to pay for, maintain and own the vintage version. So grab the B clone (or another clone if you can’t stomach B). In my case I want the B2600 for a few reasons. I don’t want the original because as much as I deal with synth circuits, repair, updating, and maintaining are not my favorite things. I also don’t want the Korg because it cost more than I want to spend on what a 2600 does. I also know that the person/people that actually worked on the B2600 are cool people. It fills in a gap for me between my Hydra, Rev2, AFX Station, Tracker, and the modulars that I design for myself which are almost invariably a lot more “West coast” if you’ll excuse the term. That B2600 will fit PERFECTLY into my setup and provide something useful. (even though I have to send B a little money to get it)

Fully agree that that synth list is tip top though!


But the industry wouldn’t move forward if it wasn’t for those companies producing something more interesting than a Juno clone.


The problem with Hydrasynth is that it just doesn’t sound very good to me. It’s also digital and not particularly cheap.

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So true, Ben & Jerry’s is rubbish masquerading as ice cream, Haagen Dazs is proper. No confirmation bias needed, just working tastebuds :laughing:

Deepmind-12 is quite a bit more than just a Juno clone. In fact, it has several innovative features that I don’t think any other synth has.

And without the original Juno, what would it have?

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Not sure. What does it matter?

Without Moog, would we have analog synths at all?

Subjective opinion of course, but I think it sounds absolutely incredible. It definitely needs to be programmed though, and if you’re not up for that, then there are definitely more immediate synths that might suit you better. That said, it’s definitely tweakable and easy to play once you’ve programmed a good patch. It sounds bigger and fuller than most of the other synths in my setup. You really have to sit down with it for a bit though and make it do what you want it to do. It provides all of the tools and then some to do this. You have to show it who’s boss though.

Haagen Dazs’ simple Coffee ice cream is probably my favorite ice cream. Aside from some old favorites like Tilamook Choc Chip Mint.

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Because if all we had was Behringer then the synth world be incredibly boring. I’d rather support companies pushing instruments forward.


I buy synths that sound good to me and don’t feel too expensive for what they are.

Behringer isn’t just doing direct clones either. Deepmind is one example, Neutron is another. Poly D is also interesting take on a Minimoog.

Yes, and we’ve established that everyone can enjoy those synths. But again (seeing as you didn’t answer me before) why can’t we criticise Behringer and why do you feel the need to support Uli and co so ardently on here?

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Your criteria was interesting.

Like it or not, there’s no denying the Hydrasynth is an interesting synth. As is the Typhon (which is cheap).
You can like whatever you like, but to say that no-one else is doing anything interesting during probably the most interesting and exciting period of synth production in recent memory is a bit mad really.


You can criticise Behringer, but you should accept that some may defend Behringer too. I find it weird people have so strong opinions against the company.

I like their products, I feel what Behringer is doing is good for the consumer, which is what I am. Without Behringer, we would still be paying 4000 for Minimoog sound.

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I can only speak of what interests me. I am not saying you can’t be interested in Hydrasynth.

Fair enough. And I find it equally weird that you don’t have strong opinions about the same company’s bullying tactics. Anyway, I’m out, there’s only so much going round in circles I can handle in a day. Enjoy! :v: