The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Even if this was true, two wrongs don’t make a right. But it isn’t, nobody’s bullying you, they’re calling out mr. B for being a dick. And rightly so.

It’s not about the clones though, it’s about the guy silencing critics through harassment and litigation, as has already been said countless times. You can enjoy their products and still condemn his bullying tactics.


Yes, of course. I’m not sure if anyone in this thread has actually defended the very shitty behaviour Uli has demonstrated lately? It’s not defending tho to say that it’s understandable that the price, quality and availability of their synths outweigh their shitty business practises for a lot of people.


This is going nowhere.


Maybe change that to “perceived quality”. Nobody has presented more than a little anecdotal evidence that supports this often repeated assertion about good quality. My own personal experience is that the quality is poor, but might be “good enough” for the price. The circular arguments here are entertaining but the lack of verification for many of these kind of claims means I have to be really careful to not be influenced by the repetition. There are some good arguments here too, so the thread has some merits, but it requires some work to keep them in focus and avoid the distractions from some obvious repeat offenders ( albeit with a style that is easy to see through).,

I am going by my own limited experience playing Behringer synths as well as reviews. I think it’s universally agreed that Behringer analog synths are of good quality, or at least it’s hard to find any complaints about them.

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See you did it again. Where is the proof of that . What study are your basing that on?

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Theres a Mute function for threads youre not into?

It’s a kind of entertainment watching people slip and slide out of addressing counterpoints directly…and watching others keep taking the bait. :upside_down_face:

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Reading a bunch of reviews. They’ve been consistently rated highly by reviews, without any of the usual complaints cheap knock offs get regarding build or audio quality. I could link a bunch of reviews for each synth, all saying that they’re well built and sound good but I’m not willing to go through the effort, as I don’t really feel the need to satisfy your demands for “proof” in this case.

I’ll give you this much, here’s an article regarding the issue. Here’s the best selling synths of 2019 from Thomann. I’m pretty sure there’s no university studies on the subject, sorry.

Crave as Bs “most original” is laughable.


A few reviews based on brand new products provided for review is not a satisfactory sample for a universal agreement.Also own several units - which proves nothing and I’m making no generalized claims based on it. I would question why would Andertons say nice things about a product they sell? Except thats obviously a silly question. What you are really doing is trying to amplify your position by providing meaningless cherry-picked examples. I didnt expect you to provide any links. I read and watch a lot of reviews.

I didn’t cherry pick them, they were the first two results on google. I wish there was a metacritic for synth reviews, but sadly no. As I said, I’m just not interested in this discussion enough to dig multiple reviews of their synths to prove a point. We can agree to disagree on this one, but I’m sure that like me, other people have noticed the good reviews.

Very funny! You do know how Google works right?

It’s all a big conspiracy to sell Behringer products!

The point of this thread is Behringer act like divide to conquer the market
at the expense of decency?

You can buy a kilo of chocolate at Lidl that’s not very good but you buy it because
its a great deal for you, or you can buy 100g of a boutique chocolate next door because you
think is better for you, so the quality of the products is irrelevant to the thread issue.

Build quality is totally subjective.
You could trawl the internet and find people saying the digitakt is built like a tank and other saying it’s a piece of shit.

It’s the internet.

What can’t be denied is that there’s plenty of happy Behringer customers who don’t need people telling them their gear is shit when it isn’t.

The issue with Beringer really isn’t about the subjective quality of what they’re selling, the issue is the ethical questions about their corporate behaviour and how consumers can continue to enjoy their instruments without feeling like they’re supporting some of their less savory behaviour.

Arguing about build quality is exactly what Uli wants us to be doing, because it’s an argument against each other, not him.


If I am entertained, it is not at your expense.

Well that burned.


I have to admit I also don’t like b discussions. They never end well


I’m sorry, I crossed a line there.


There is a few flags flying. Fairly obvious why. But as this is a thankless topic to manage can y’all do the moderators a solid and refrain from aggravating others and being aggravated.

If you come here you know the shit you are getting into, it’s why I mute all this now, there’s no scope for a grown up chat when folk bomb it from each direction time after time, trolling trolls and so on.

So if you’re here try not to upset anyone or be upset, it’s par for the course. If there’s lots of flags then the topic may just be best locked for the festive period and try again in 2021.

But simmer it down, it’s obvious when folk are triggering or triggered so in both cases just factor in this is likely in these topics, you need a bit more tolerance, but abusive stuff is uncool. Civil is best, tolerant is next best. No more flags then :thup: