The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Look how korg pulled it off. Started real small and worked their way up. Now they’re knocking our ARP 2600’s like it’s nothing.

… in 1962.


No I’m talking about the monotrons. When they got back into analog. :joy:

Cheaper does not necessarily equate to better value for money.

I would suggest that a Yamaha MODX offers better value for money than any ASM synth.

Of course that does not mean that someone would not prefer to own a Hydrasynth as opposed to a MODX.


Modx workstation… not comparable… and look how much is Hydrasynth Explorer…

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Are you talking about the Eurorack GO ? It’s basically a Tiptop Mantis :slight_smile:

Yeah only bigger and cheaper and sturdier

The MODX is classed as a synth not a workstation (not that this has any impact on value for money).

… and look how much is a Yamaha MX49 …

Personally I see no evidence that ASM synths are particularly better value for money than other synths out there.
Sure they are strong in some areas (e.g. polyphonic aftertouch) but they are also monotimbral digital synths with just 8 notes of polyphony.

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Behringer made my dream come true to own a TB-303 (it’s a TD-3-MO) ¯(°_o)/¯


Yes…quality doesn’t happen over night.
Grown over time.

I would LOVE to see how quick B/Uli would react to someone cloning one of their IP [do they even have one] :open_mouth:

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Behringer doing what they’re doing IMO
Like you’ve said you now own a TB=303 clone and YES it sounds good too. Behringer make gear that enable people to get in to making music which is always a good thing.
Have fun with the MO :+1:

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CME did a pretty good job with the SWIDI. but since it was already a rip-off to begin with, not sure there’s any IP for B to fight over there… Arturia prolly just thought it was funny :rofl:



Now we just need a $2 clone of the clone’s clone.

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Recursion!!! We need MORE copies muahahha!!!

The sad part is that alot of what Behringer does is great. Nobody where complaining that they cloned stuff like Pro-1 and old synths. But they just cant help it to go after modern Moog synths. Or when they first showed the Swing. They did at least change that some after people complained.

And when people complain about some of the stuff they do, they play the victim. Always found it funny when big corporations or rich and famous people do that. hehe.

They have alot of good engineers, they have the production capabilities. But still manages to piss people off with some idiotic decisions once in a while. I still want an Ub-xa when its finished though.


Dude it’s not about mass production. It’s about taking something someone else made and making money off of it.

B could mass produce their own product. Who cares. I just take issue with them mass producing someone else’s product without even a tip of the cap to the people that they are now making money off of.

I have a gut feeling, had you some product you made, that are proud of, put your BSaT into…and some guy clones your werk and undercuts your price….that you probably would not embrace it.


Yeah but the things they are cloning aren’t actually available for the price to be undercut. I suppose you’re right that they are undercutting the 5k people want for a 909 these days.

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I want an Audi R8…cant have one.

Audi R8’s are in production and no one is cloning them, so not sure how that aligns. If your point is we shouldn’t be able to have everything we want then ok, but since that’s precisely what Behringer are cloning for - to give people a version of something they would simply never be able to have otherwise at a price they can afford, then I guess it’s just an ideological difference.

And Behringer are not doing anything Roland, Korg etc couldn’t do.