The Digitone Notebook

The Digitone Notebook now added to the Synthdawg library. Over 300 pages for price of a cup of coffee. I know this has had a lot of requests and apologise for taking so long but its here now at

Big thanks for the support


Bought, do you have an Octatrack, hint hint?

What perfect timing: my brand new Digitone arrived yesterday. Bought the book this morning – looks very helpful.

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Yeah i shudder every time its requested :laughing:
. Octatrack would be massive.

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But a massive weight off your mind once you’ve got it done…


Nice work, bought :+1:

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This looks great, well done! Superb price as well.

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Awesome, thank you! Excited to dig in to this.

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Bought, nice one!

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Insta-buy! This was the last I needed to cover all my Elektron devices… guess I need to buy new gear?

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any chance of this (or others) becoming physical goods?

i greatly prefer to lug around a book, even at my desk. (easier on the eyes too)


Regarding this series - read the manual first, then read this, or opposite?

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I would recommend starting with this and dropping into official manual to cross ref if needed

Many people have self printed via Lulu or other online services. Hardcopy has been considered but not high on the priorities right now due to logistics, price for low runs and time

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Grabbed the takt & tone :pray:

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Talk about dedication! Looks great
Hats off to you sire


Bought for the DN. Nice work, thanks!

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Bought. Sent file to pdf printing service. Great work as always. I have your notebooks for Zoia, OP-1, and OP-Z too. All I need now is…well, we discussed this on instagram.

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You should ahare some pics on IG or here of the printed copies. I always love to see them. Ive been asked for several books including novation circuit, blackbox by 1010, Modal Argon8, etc The biggest request now is Octatrack. Question is to everyone would people find that useful as i know some resources exist and the unit has been around a long time?