The Elektron documentation thread

Makes sense! :slight_smile:

I read the AK manual from time to time. It’s actually my favourite Elektron manual! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If I was stuck on an island and only had one Elektron manual to read, I’d hope it would be the AK manual. :laughing:


OT manual on page 46 has a whole paragraph that appears to describe out-of-date behavior

When sampling through the use of a recorder trig, the trig will capture only silence as long as [TRACK] + [REC1/2]/[MIDI] are not manually pressed. An example: a recorder trig with an INAB setting of A+B, TRIG set to HOLD and with an RLEN setting of 16 is placed on the first step of the sequencer. [PLAY] is pressed to start the sequencer. When the sequencer reaches step 4 [TRACK] + [REC1] is pressed and held and just before the sequencer reaches step 6 the key combination is re- leased. The recorded sample will then consist of 3 inital 1/16th notes of silence, 2 1/16th notes of audio and finally 11 1/16th notes of silence.

As far as I can tell this just isn’t true (anymore?). Here is a thread where this same issue was raised 8 years ago :slight_smile: Elektron-Users - Re:OT - Hold Record mode....weirdness - Elektron-Users

Also, since this is a printing for the MKII I think the places that mention [TRACK] + [REC1/2]/[MIDI] should instead say [TRACK] + [REC1/2/3].

Machinedrum p.49 in the PARAMETER LOCK SLIDE section :

To set individual swing tracks, just follow the instructions below.

It should be :

To set individual slide tracks, just follow the instructions below.

Page 73/74 of the A4 Manual there is an explanation missing of the “GateLen” Knob in the ENVelope section of the A4.

I suppose it’s Gate Length in full and postpones / delays the envelope? 128 steps max? Or is that some different made up scale with some mathfunction I have to remember? :grinning:

it’s a tempo-sync’d value that’s in steps. a value of 16 will last for a page etc.
i’ve only just figured this out now after a long time of not knowing what the value was either :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the quick clarification! This is my favorite function of the synths - one that I always dreamed about having for all my other synths. And @eangman you didn’t even mention it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes you are right. That parameter is not described in that general description of the Envelopes. That section is there to explain the different envelope shapes.
However, the LEN (EnvF/Env2 Gate length) parameter is described in the SYNTH TRACK PARAMETERS appendix under Envelopes :slight_smile:


Thanks for pointing this out :slight_smile: I have to investigate this one a little to see what is what.

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I searched a long time… thx! :smiley:

Little suggestion from my end: In such a manual it would be great to have each knob / submenu successively described – together with a screenshot of that menu to be able to double check that what I read and see correspond and to find it better in the manual when skipping through.

Appendix A: Synth Track Parameters, Appendix B: FX Track Parameters and Appendix C: CV Track Parameters already do that, screenshots and desctiptions. Arp and Arp Setup would fit perfectly there. :slight_smile:
Arp is not a synth/cv track parameter, though.
Additional Appendix: Arpeggiator?

Oh… I better delete my posting… sorry!

I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM, I should better RTFM

Though… if I had found it I wouldn’t have understood what it means tbh… it’s quite cryptic worded…

“(EnvF Gate length) makes it possible to choose another gate length than whatever trigged the envelope.”

I would never have read out what it actually does: Delays the envelope by x Steps. We (or maybe only me?) need more ELI5 explanations :smiley:

it doesn’t delay anything! :smiley:

That’s quite cryptic indeed!^^ I guess it means, the env will behaves like you adjusted the gate length (note length) without actually altering the duration of the note.

For instance, set it to 2 and the env behaves like you doubled the note length.

Aaaaah what? :smiley: Is this something I missed in the 2nd semester rocket science when I was ill two weeks?

Dunno, I only showed up twice there…Env gate length parameter is essentially a multiplier for the envelope. 0.5x means the env duration is halved, 2x doubled etc.

No, that can’t be true.

It’s not that either. As I said earlier, it sets the length a note will be held for, in steps. So the length will change depending on tempo. I think it takes over the sustain value so the release isn’t affected. Can’t remember if attack is part of the held stage…

EnvF gate length and env2 gate length set the length a note will be held in steps?

Yea this is what I found when I actually tried to figure it out the other day. I may be wrong though! Try a trig on step one of a seq and set the gate to 16.0 - should play the note for the whole 16 steps

Yes, note length (Len) sets the duration of the note in seq steps, but I thought we were talking about envF gate length and env2 gate length?
EnvF gate length sets the duration of the filter envelope in seq steps and env2 gate length sets the duration of env2 in seq steps, no? (EnvF gate length and env2 gate length are not a multipliers).

What I wrote about mulitplier above can’t be true, though. I edited it. I had a note length of 1 in mind when I thought about the behaviour. It’s probaply simply seq steps.

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