The Elektron documentation thread

Analog Four manual (ENG_OS1.40A_191119.pdf) on page 24 says “Press DATA ENTRY knobs A-E to select the track from which parameters you want to assign to the macro.”

I can’t parse that sentence.


Analog Four manual (ENG_OS1.40A_191119.pdf) page 24:

Accesses VOICE ROUTING. For more information, please see “9.2.7 VOICE ROUTING” on page 24.

I assume that’s meant to refer to 9.5.2 VOICE ROUTING on page 28, rather than refer to the section you’re already reading.

Analog Four manual (ENG_OS1.40A_191119.pdf) page 20:

3. Turn the DATA ENTRY knobs and listen how the sound of pattern changes.

That grammar is ungood. I think “listen to how the sound of the pattern changes” would be better.

And then right below that:

Each track contains six PARAMETER pages. There you can find the parameters that affects the sound.

Should be a plural verb: “that affect the sound”. One parameter affects the sound, two or more parameters affect the sound.

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First time I read the sentence you cited, I thought it was crystal clear what it meant. There was just a little bug, but no real problem.
I read it again and now I have forgotten what it was suppose to mean, MIB style.


Same here! I think I got it once, but the more times I read it the more it turns into word salad.


Yes that is a bit confusing (wrong) indeed. Shame on me! Will change to:

Up to five track parameters can be assigned to a modulation macro. Parameters can be selected from all six tracks. Press DATA ENTRY knobs A–E to select the track. Turn DATA ENTRY knobs A-E to select the parameters that you want to assign. Press the knob or press [YES] to confirm a selection. DATA ENTRY knobs F-J are then used to set the depth of the five track parameters.

Thanks for pointing it out :slight_smile:


Seems I had a bit of an Inception moment there. It should indeed be linked to 9.5.2 instead. Will fix.
Thanks again!


Ungood grammar there indeed! Thanks again (again) for pointing these things out. Expect an updated manual shortly :slight_smile:


The suggested change is much easier to understand, thanks!

N.B the same text appears a couple of pages later (p. 26) in 9.3.2


Another minor one in the A4mk2 manual, p. 23 9.2.1 RELOAD KIT says “Will reload either the active kit, reverting it to its saved status, or to all kits.” This makes it sound like “reverting it to its saved status” only applies to the first case, when reloading a single kit.

Also I think “or to all kits” should be “or all kits” because the “to” seems wrong. And what exactly does “all kits” mean? It’s “all kits in the project”, right?

I think this would clarify it (if I’ve correctly understood the intended meaning!):

Will reload either the active kit or all kits in the project. Reloading kits reverts them to their saved status.

Thanks. I will have a look at that too. That text could also be improved a bit :slight_smile:

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Browsing the cycles manual i noticed that the track transpose blurb was copy paste from Samples pdf - the Track transpose value can be adjusted -60 to 60, not -24 to 24 as documented


That cycles manual also states the following

Removing a specific parameter lock on a trig in LIVE RECORDING mode:

  1. Press and hold [NO], and then turn the knob related to the parameter you want to remove

No No Buttons

Mh I thought i fixed that first one already… Will have a look at this when I get in to work tomorrow. Thanks A-tronic!


Not everywhere :wink: … (see last line)

In the Model:Cycles manual (p.23) :


In the of the root the PRESET menu there is a folder called LOCKS.

Not sure it makes sense.

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Yes, it does seem a bit off, doesn’t it… Thanks for pointing it out. Will fix!


The first issue here is not related to the manual, but I agree its a bit of inconsistency in how you interact with the menus. I will report it to the developers.
Concerning the other things you mention, I will have a look at things in the manual to see if it can be improved.
Thanks for letting me know.


In MIDI implementation of Octatrack there are playback parameters 1 - 6. I can´t find them anywhere in the manual. Nothing that´s called playback parameter menu.

I don´t know the version of the manual, it´s the actual one in english from the Elektron website.