The Elektron documentation thread

Annex C.2 of the OT MkII manual may not have been updated to reflect that the ‘Playback’ page on MkI is now called the ‘SRC’ page on MkII.

Original report:


Hm, confusion don´t want to leave:
In control change mappings I find this:

$10 16 Playback param #1 X X
$11 17 Playback param #2 X X
$12 18 Playback param #3 X X
$13 19 Playback param #4 X X
$14 20 Playback param #5 X X
$15 21 Playback param #6 X X

In the mappings for auto channel I find this:

$10 16 Playback param #1 (Note) X
$11 17 Playback param #2 (Velocity) X
$12 18 Playback param #3 (Length) X
$13 19 Playback param #4 (Note 2) X
$14 20 Playback param #5 (Note 3) X
$15 21 Playback param #6 (Note 4) X

For me that looks like parameters for MIDI tracks.

Ok, your edit makes it understandable…

(still waiting for the postman or postwoman that brings my Octatrack)

I love elektron machines, hope they could be better with all our contributions, first by you guys, one of the best team of musical instruments industry, then the real user who really learning and try to study better use these great instruments.

The lefthand edge of the text on p36 of the current Model:Cycles manual is cut off. Just thought you should know, @eangman :slight_smile:


Whoops, my bad! Will fix it when I get in to work (the tiny study next to the living room where I’m at now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) tomorrow .


I was wondering why the DN wasn’t sounding the way it was shown in the Manual (the screen is a bit harder to see clearly). There appears to be mistakes on Alg 4 and Alg 7 in the current manual

Anyway @eangman , it might be best to check them all through with @Ess, but I am fairly sure on the errors and correction shown which should make it into the manual

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Current Digitone Manual 8. Digitone Controls Pg. 24

The Quick Global Mute Behavior is not accurately described. FUNC + T# will also remember which version of Mute Mode was last used. Ptn + T# will always net you Pattern Mute, Function Will give Either Pattern OR Global Depending on your settings EXCEPT if you’re in grid record mode Func will always result in Global Mutes. This is technically a bug in current in OS 1.21 I think.

I had a look at the things you commented on and made some changes in the manual. But I cant confirm that (“if you’re in grid record mode Func will always result in Global Mutes. This is technically a bug in current in OS 1.21 I think”) this is valid. In grid recording mode it still remembers the last used MUTE mode for me. I have to investigate this further.
Thanks a lot for bringing these things up :slight_smile:

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Hmm I have to check with Ess about this. Thanks!

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Oh weird. Mine’s always used Global mutes only if I’m in grid rec. It’ll show purple when holding func to mute the track but then once I select the track it activates a global mute.

This one has always puzzled me:
“If you are not working within a project only the active bank will be retained in memory after the Octatrack MKII has been switched off. “

How can you not be working within a project?

IIRC you can edit tracks, machines, patterns in a bank when a set is mounted, but no project is created.

Btw, I see people ask about fluctuations in the tempo display on a midi slaved machine from time to time. What about adding a small paragraph in the manuals about how the display can show tempo fluctuations when calculating the tempo?

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I always thought whenever you changed set it prompts to create a new or load an existing project though…

If you rename it with File Manager for example…

Never tried, but I guess you can work in a bank if you click [Enter/Yes] when it prompts “YOU ARE NOT WORKING IN ANY PROJECT…”
You can change audio, midi etc. settings, leave the menu, assign machines, place trigs etc.
Someone has to test this^^

It is kind of interesting because sometimes I don’t want to be in a project, just boot up start sampling, save the samples, no project. I never found a way to do it though, might have to explore this at some point.


please help me to understand this. from DN manual, page 38, audio routing options:

SEND TO FX Use this option to customize which of the 4 tracks + the Chorus and the Delay effects that sends audio to the effects (Chorus, Delay, Reverb).

so, to what exactly effect these routings apply to in the end of the chain?

I WISH WISH WISH the manuals had the v. number on the cover.

I just, from my phone DL-Ed the manual from to find it was a link from 2017. :confused:

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At the bottom of the manual it says:

Sturdy steel casing

Good description eangman!

ur wish is granted
DT120.pdf (2.2 MB)


thank you guys!
[my post was cuz it had been said it probably wouldn’t get done…assumptions, see what happens]

that’s awesome. thank you @eangman