The Elektron Feedback Loop: February 2023

I would not mind a basic computer replacement, like backing up your files, a hardware version of their software (Overbridge, file transfers, backup for OT) in hardware form. Any kind of cloud services would be from that hardware only. No Windows/Mac computer

The DigiMoln?

$9/mo overbridge plugins through Splice when?

I did the survey only to discover that there were no options that conveyed what i wanted :man_shrugging:

Elektron: Aw man, no one wants a syntakt anymore. Weā€™d better cancel production. :rofl:

Exactly my thoughts. Enough software developers for ,plugins and collaboration apps.

What is the purpose of this survey if thereā€™s no place for us to tell them that we want a 2023 version of the Octatrackā€¦


I thought the software purchasing budget question was a test to see if they would bring back there initial suggestion a few years ago that Overbridge was going to be a paid for pluginā€¦because iā€™m cynical

I want a big paid OT software update that turns it into the ultimate sampler and a Monomachine plugin.


Make More Samplers, give them Unique and Wonderful Features in addition to the Tried and True Features that have already Proven to be extremely Useful Standards (Slicing)ā€¦ and you will be alright.

i donā€™t like the way these questions are phrased to be honest.

my impression is that they really seem to push for some kind of cloud-based software business model, likely with a subscription model which would be literally what everyone else in the market is doing right now.

i guess they need some new project for all the software engineers they hired to make overbridge happen?

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I think the bigger reason here is, that you can scale up software sales (without much extra costs) way better than hardware, make that monthly cloud fees and investors are even more happy.
And investors give a s**t if current customers are left behind or this isnā€™t even a longtime successā€¦ :frowning:

More like their share holders keep pestering them about the latest buzz words and they got them to agree to the survey to prove that nobody wants cloud shit


Everybody should use this survey to ask for a Monomachine MKIIIā€¦ I did :slightly_smiling_face:


Remote collaboration in a time when many people are excited to finally spend time in the same room with people- I just donā€™t see the risk being worth it for them. Software by comparison would be welcomed, and enable easier collaboration with project file sharing on the cloud. So no emphasis needed

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I feel Elektron should ask what we are using a DAW forā€¦ I think this would give them great insight into what as a community we need & what their hardware could be doing.

For example I use Ableton predominantly for midi routing ā€¦

The question how much do you use a DAW may result in the wrong kind of metrics


There should be more open-ended questions imo if they really want to gauge what the community wants from them. I bet new OT, MnM and MD would be right up there. Along with 2nd Rytm LFO :joy:


And a 3rd model based on MnM/Digitone named Model: Monotone hahahahaha

No but seriously they could literally be printing money if they rereleased the MnMā€¦ It is THAT easy

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They left a lot out. I really hope they donā€™t try to become a software or preset-focused company.

I asked for OT mk3 (I know this wonā€™t happen) and an Elektron performance mixer (I think they could do this with existing circuitry and code)


You had questions that allowed you to put other and then you could actually type in your answer. I put a word in there for an OT like sample based poly synth. So I meant it as an expansion. With the issue Iā€™ve had playing around with the arranger I think it would have been a good idea to have at least expanded the RAM for the Mk2, but they may not have been able to keep a continued firmware support for the Mk1 had they done that? Iā€™m sure someone at Elektron is reading this forum.

Theyā€™ll be shooting themselves in the head if they go to cloud based garabage. I bailed on the thought of buying Rolandā€™s System 8 VST once I saw you had to be tethered to the internet to keep it unlocked. They could have just charged more money up front and I would have still bought it since they obviously are losing money from piracy in their eyes, but just b/c someone downloads a pirated copy doesnā€™t mean their making money selling it elsewhere or making money producing music with it, b/c karma.

I got to the part where it asks about the importance of different devices and it refused accept any input. That made it impossible to complete the survey.

I think itā€™s good for a company like Elektron to do a user survey like this. Better that than putting a bunch of resources in the wrong direction especially since the last few years theyā€™ve got from a niche company to slightly more mainstream with the Digi-boxes and Model line Iā€™m sure they reeled in a lot of new customers they wouldnā€™t have sticking with only premium tier stuff.

Hopefully we all answered similarly in that we want them to focus primarily on new hardware and remain a hardware centric brand. Iā€™m also really hoping that a lot of people said they were interested pickikg up an MD and/or MnM maybe that would sway them to put the R&D into either recreating then or making new stuff in the same vein.

Interesting to see that they may reach out to some individuals for further feedback I hope thatā€™s true Iā€™d love to have a conversation with with about which direction to go in and potential new product ideas that was one of my favorite parts about working at Akai, writing up design documents for new gear.

Also settle down everyone about winning the syntakt because Iā€™ve been making ritual sacrifices to the gear gods since taking the survey to ensure my win :wink:

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