The Elektron Feedback Loop: January 2021

can they please just tell me wether or not they are gonna either update the Analog Heat or make something similar with more features to replace it. I really want it but it might crush me since its such a big purchase to budget in these should i say “uncertain” times lol
waddaya gonna do though, especially if were all gonna die soon anyways from this crazy world that feels like a 200cc Mario Kart race blindfolded at times

but yeah, thats all i would really like to know

When you have limited developer resources you need to know where to direct them. There was a reason the first few private betas of OB2 and hell we can be honest the current public releases are Ableton centric. they developed it with Live in mind and then expanded work to make it more compatible with other DAWs. the most recent version for example, fixes some issues with individual tracks showing up as stereo pairs in Reason when they were mono signals. this would mess up the rytm since each individual track was taking up two outputs on the rack device meaning you couldn’t actually get to the last few tracks.

A lot of this is to evaluate what kind of things their user base actually likes and build a map of where they’re at as a consumer demographic.
How do our favorite brands sell things, what kind of sales do they do, marketing, bundles, what kind of integrations and partnerships, collabs, etc would make sense, be popular with people who are fans of Elektron. Having a better overview will help the new Executive leadership understand where not to go just as much as it can give them ideas on what to tackle.

I hope there was some positive feedback about Overbridge, I know I did give positive feedback, there are a lot of people that don’t care for it and only care about hardware,
But being able to stream audio, automate and integration with ableton was one of the main factors for me buying Elektron gear… plus saved me thousands on mixers interfaces etc…


Filled out the survey hours ago but the first thing for me was MIDI ARP on non-OT devices and a true OT successor (and went into some detail about desirable features)


I think that something important that elektron staff would have to do, it’s develop a software to proper back up the projects and the samples easily. It’s crucial for me.


Amen to keeping political beliefs and companies separated. Imho it should have never been any other way. The cringest virtue signalling is marketing teams who decides to take companies into politics, trying to brag how virtuous they are, while simultaneously for example scavenging the world for finite resources at the lowest cost.


I feel like I’m not aware of any of the listed companies values surrounding sustainability or social responsibility… I do prefer to support companies who have strong ethics/intentions where possible.

Ended up ticking “none of the companies listed” for both and listing them as important factors :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotta admit, it’s not that often I get excited about filling out a survey

What you would you like to do with your elektron machines that you cannot do today?

My answer

play to a live audience


ultimately , they end up isolating someone , who is potentially a great fan and supporter of what they do. I think it should only be only in the most extremist of cases

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Just realised that for the ‘something it can’t do now’ question I should’ve wrote ‘trigger analog heat envelope over MIDI’…

I was honestly shocked when I realised you couldn’t.

this is true whether they are vocal or silent about such things

So you want them to start working on a machine that produces vaccines?

When i win the DT I’m selling it to buy the OT…


Cool survey, made me realize I spend a lot of time, energy, and money on making music. As I’m sure most of us do :slightly_smiling_face::headphones:


There’s so many answers to this question I didn’t bother with at the time.

This forum is a gold mine, surveys can be kind of artificial, but the posts here tell the real story.

It’s already been said, people want song mode for Digitakt, seperate outs or OB for an OT, we want more fx for the OT or perhaps an OT3, more FX boxes or a mixer, revamped Monomachines and Machinedrums. A Digitakt Mkii. The writings on the wall for all of it and everyone has been asking for years. I kinda don’t know how Elektron don’t know what their customers want: it’s just more Elektron, please




I just noticed this bit from the newsletter. Even better machines! Hardware’s not dead! :sweat_smile:


Even better virtual machines :stuck_out_tongue:


A DAW would be killer

I put Ableton for this one and only because they bought back Push 1 when Push 2 came out and apparently gave them to schools or something. I couldn’t think of anything else like that