The Guitar Thread

I missed this line from Amazon’s description:

This book includes hundreds of examples (with tab and audio)

I’ll probably order the book eventually. Just not right now. I can only study so many subjects at once.

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John Petrucci of Dream Theater and EVH are major inspirations for me in rock/metal guitar.
I love playing old thrash metal songs and solos on my Jackson custom guitar and learning 7 string guitar now. Started few years ago with some lessons then learn from videos, jams and tab books.

I have a Bogner Uberschall amp with Uberkab and Mezzabarba MZero amp and cab. Love these amps and can do anything from hardcore metal to blues and jazz. Also love pedals and FX and use a bunch like echo/delay/reverb, compression and clean boost.

I bought a house to be able to enjoy my tube amps after almost being evicted twice from apartments. Oh vey! People do not appreciate guitar!

Guitar is a raw, pure and visceral joy for me. The closest feeling to it with synthesizers is when I dove deep down the Eurorack modular hole of patch madness. Now I love guitar and modular synths the most as my Elektron gear collects dust.


I’m in exactly the same position :+1:

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Couldn’t help but order myself one at that price. Thanks for the heads up

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I hope you like it. I love mine. I’m worried it could be a gateway drug to Tom Cram’s other stuff though.

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I’m way behind in movies, but watched the Carmine Street Guitars documentary last night and really enjoyed it. It will definitely make you want to play guitar.

I also happened to find a really cool guitar and amp tech near me this past week and he’s doing a bit of minor work on the new Yamaha SG800 for me. I’m super happy to find a local guy that can service my guitars and amps. He was an in-house repair guy and builder for one the big Japanese guitar makers for over a decade and then went out on his own six years ago.

Really cool shop and we ended up talking about guitars and amps for like an hour.

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I got a call from the guitarist in one of my bands yesterday asking me to meet him at the local antique shop to give a “fine toothed comb” look at a 1978 Ibanez pf200. The pickups had been replaced but the originals were in the case, otherwise it was in surprisingly good shape for its age. It even had my kind of setup (too low for most people to be able to play) so he’ll have to raise the action a bit. He ended up buying it. The picture doesn’t do it justice, it’s a really nice wine red.
Oh, and that’s him holding it, not me. She shop also has a 1971 fender mustang that I had a really hard time putting back on the wall. Of course the mustang was $2500 so I’m just happy I got to play it for a few minutes.


Awesome! Sweet find! Reminds me of my new Yamaha. I hope he likes as much as I like mine! I can’t wait to get mine back from the guitar tech. It’s such an awesome guitar that it deserved a little TLC to get in tip-top shape. I realized quickly that this will definitely be a lifetime keeper for me.


In case anyone else is interested, we got this going now. I have a MkI that is lying broken in my basement but when it was operational, I used it with my Handsonic, bass, etc.


This is a fun new series (?) from the JHS crew. It reminds me of Rhythm Roulette but with guitar pedals instead of records. I hope they keep doing these because I found it pretty inspiring.


Dirt pedal shootout tonight.


Amp pedal shootout over here :rofl:

I stuffed up a pedal order. Not a particularly cheap error. But hey, I couldn’t be happier with my new bi-amped bass rig.


That chorus pedal malarkey makes a bit more sense now…

Although, if the above were same model amps or guitars it would be totally reasonable to AB and pick the preferred.

Latest pedalboard update - dirt edition.

Out: MXR EQ pedal, Joyo XVI octave.
In: Earthquaker Hizumitas, OBNE Excess v2

Initial thoughts: really glad I got both, I considered getting only Excess but the drives sound really great stacked. Hizumitas’ sustain when cranked plays into the theme for the board options here with stuff like Plus pedal, Sunlight, and Mood.

Pretty happy with Excess’ modulation side as well. I wouldn’t have devoted an entire pedal spot to a chorus but not it’s great to have one, and the delay and fifths modes are nice utility too. I’m using Arcades at the end of the signal chain with the Generation Loss card to “tapeify” the whole signal, so having some pre-reverb modulation to throw into the mix is very nice. of Excess gives me access to a few modes as well.


You have hot a very decent board, I must confess…
How is the game changer audio plus pedal? I read some mixed reviews, that it is hard to capture and sustain the right chord. And 2nd question: how heavy is it ?

After a bit of practice it’s not too hard to get the correct notes with the plus pedal, but it takes some getting used to. It’s a bit counter intuitive that you have to press it after you play, but once you get a few hours to try it, it becomes second nature. It is definitely a pretty heavy pedal, though




@porkloin thanks a lot. You answered exactly the points I always wanted to know… all the best

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