The Guitar Thread

The Gamechanger Plus does require practice. If you press on it too early, it will sample the attack of your guitar chord and it will thus play percussive sounds instead a more smoothly sustaining chord. And yes, it’s every bit as heavy as you would expect it to be, with that piano pedal made of real metal, not plastic.

The pedal gives you some control over the loudness of the sustained sound - nice for adding a bit of a swell.

I still haven’t dug too deeply into Group mode


I’ve got a real fancy for one of these… keeping an eye out for a used one though

I’ve been kinda frustrated with the standard tuning and decided to start experimenting with some alternatives and life is good. It feels awesome not being constantly pulled back to all of those old riffs I was never able to build anything decent around.

It seems to me that some ppl like things they understand and others are drawn to stuff they don’t really understand well and that I definitely belong to the latter category.

Instantly there are new moods to be discovered and the burden of practicing scales and sounding like everybody else is diminished.

It would be cool to hear about your experiences outside the standard tuning.


A lot of my best stuff is in alternate tunings. I remember learning that most of blood on the tracks was open E, and between that, the stones and nick drake, I was really into alternate tunings. It’s so rewarding and refreshing.


Mostly play in Dadgad and open D, they are only a semi tone apart on the 3rd but seem to suit quite different things to me. One scale I really enjoy in DADGAD is a Japanese pentatonic- 1,2,4,5,b6. The absence of the third gives it the flavour. 1,b2,3,4,5,b6,b7 is cool Arabic type scale.

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Yeah it sure is refreshing and fun!! It makes a lot of sense that singers would use open tunings. So many new moods are to be found. :slight_smile:

DADGAD has been my go-to alternative too but I never gave it a proper chance but just tried them out briefly. This time I will make an effort to find the most suitable tuning for me and sticking with that.

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This thing caught my eye in a local guitar shop and I couldn’t resist. I only played cheap guitars (max. 250€ squires and harley bentons) in my life and argued that I don’t need a “proper” guitar with all the effects I’m putting it through. Oh, how wrong I was :sweat_smile:
Playing this new Fender sixty-six feels like I’m playing without gloves for the first time in my life. The neck just feels incredible, the body is very nicely shaped to play it both in a sitting position or while standing, and it’s just really hard to put it down.


Henry Kaiser and friends geeking out on Fuzz vs Fuzz vs Fuzz

Kerry “2 Smooth” Marshall’s R&B guitar course is apparently free for now.

I have to hook all this up now but this is what I’m working with now. Wanted my fuzz pedal instead of two overdrives but it finally died on me. So did my ebow. But, since I can’t buy anything right now, this is the pedalboard. Velcro and zip ties, here I come (Voodoo Labs Pedal Power Plus 2 is underneath- the old school Pedaltrains have a compartment underneath to hold your power).


Is your Fuzz salvageable? Do you know what the fault is? Are you handy with a multimeter and soldering iron?

I was looking at DIY kits for while, and old broken fuzzes that I could fix, but they always had their unobtanium transistors missing. Still haven’t found anything, so I might start barking up the “Percolator” tree.

It’s a Basic Audio Muff. Pretty sure the guy that made it will fix it, just have to email him. Also have a Lovepedal COT 50 that stopped working. That’s gonna be a little harder to get fixed because I heard that guy kind of disappeared. The lights still come on for both of them, I think it’s something minor but to answer your question, no, I am not handy with anything. Not the Mr. Fixit type at all.

Oh well, unfortunate because they’re extremely basic circuits to noodle about with a multimeter, and very few solder points to inspect/fix. If you ever want a new hobby, it’s a good place to start.


I think I would rather someone else fix it and I’ll just use it to make sound with. I’ve thought about it but I usually end up messing stuff up even more. I’m pretty good at making the sounds though, or so I’m told.

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My review of this Strandberg Salen Jazz NX

I had been fascinated by the Salen Jazz model since Strandberg first announced them, as it was their first semi-hollowbody model with an F-fole. It may have also been the first to feature a mahogany body and neck. Recently, Strandberg introduced the Salen Jazz NX. When I saw they had a Salen Jazz NX on sale in the Refubs section, in the burgundy color, I bought it.

Improvements with NX Concept

The Salen Jazz NX incorporates design improvements that Strandberg describe on their NX Concept page. I have a Boden OS7, which is an older Strandberg model. One design improvement in the Jazz NX that I really appreciate is the EndurNeck is more rounded, which feels much nicer to my hand than the sharper edges of the Boden OS7 EndurNeck. The quality of the setup is better, although that might be because it was refurbished and set up by the Strandberg USA team in California. The tuning knobs on the EGS Rev7 hardware require noticeably less effort to turn than on the older guitar.

Pickups and Sound

There is a 5-position pickup selector switch. The sounds by position:

  1. Neck Humbucker
  2. Neck single-coil (inner coil of humbucker)
  3. Both Humbuckers
  4. Neck inner coil and Bridge outer coil
  5. Bridge Humbucker

Position 4 has quickly become a favorite for rhythm guitar. The sound is similar to that of my Tele with its pickup selector in the middle. Pickup designer Michael Frank worked in his magic to make it hum-free too, despite it being a single-coil sound. The humbucker tones are comparable to those of the Seymour Duncan 59s on my D’Angelico guitars, which is not surprising as all these pickups were designed to sound like PAF humbuckers. The neck humbucker sounds a little brighter with the tone control high, compared to the Seymour Duncan counterpart at a similar setting, but that might be because of the Salen Jazz NX’s small body. The bridge humbucker has the expected bite, but with a pleasant roundness.

With a clean guitar amp, I have found that notes can be made to pop out more on semi-hollow body guitars and tend to have rounder tone, compared to solid body guitars. The responsiveness of semi-hollows to variations in playing technique with clean guitar amps attracts me to this type of guitar. The Salen Jazz NX has those semi-hollow characteristics, although they are more subtle compared to my D’Angelico Deluxe SS and Excel Mini DC. I think the smaller body of the Salen Jazz NX reduces the unplugged string volume and makes it sound a little less airy, and more focused than the D’Angelicos. Some have compared its tonal personality to that of a Telecaster Thinline, but I’ve never played one so I can’t compare the supposed similarity myself.

Some Strandberg owners/fans feel they can get the same tones on any dual-humbucker Boden model that has a chambered body. It would be fun to do a side by side comparison with one of those people. The Salen Jazz NX has a mahogany body and neck, with rosewood fingerboard and maple body top. The majority of Strandberg models do not have this wood combination, so there should be some tonal differences, somewhere.


Most electric guitar bodies have a curve at the bottom for resting on the player’s thigh. The Salen Jazz NX, like other Strandbergs, have two bottom curves instead of one, so you could rest it on your thigh in the more common playing position, or raise the angle of the neck, and let the other curve sit on your thigh.

The combination of the 20" radius fingerboard, rounded EndurNeck, balance of the guitar for standing, and the extra sitting position make the guitar very comfortable to play - if your playing style is a good match. I generally prefer a light touch and don’t dig hard into the strings, except for an occasional accent. The string spacing is comfortable for fingerstyle and hybrid picking. The neck is very comfortable for hammer-ons and pull-offs - very little force is required. Some song arrangements for solo fingerstyle Even notes and chords on the first fret are easy and comfortable to play.

The combination of the 20" radius and 25"-25.5" multi-scale design on this neck allows me to play the double-stop bend that starts the “Peg” solo, which I cannot play on any of my other guitars that have .010 gauge strings.

The sustain is excellent. It might have the best sustain of all my semi-hollowbody guitars.

Verdict: It’s a keeper. It has taken over as my #1 guitar to practice on because it’s so comfortable and is the least likely to cause the return of my Golfer’s Elbow. The selection of tones and responsiveness to playing techniques are also excellent.


He’s easy to get a hold of and seems like a very good guy. I’m almost positive he’ll sort you out.

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Thanks for the review. I’d love to try the more rounded version of the neck— I just couldn’t get along with the Endurneck on the Boden I had, but I loved everything else. I have the Ibanez Q54 now, but I’m less impressed overall.

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Understood. I like the improved (NX) EndurNeck but it would be interesting to see if Strandberg ever offers a fully-rounded neck option.

The last 20" radius fingerboard I had was on the Carvin Holdsworth Fatboy. Fantastic for hammer-ons, as expected, but I wasn’t working on my rhythm guitar skills enough at the time to evaluate it for that. Loved the thickness of the neck, and the resonance of the fully hollow body. The fatal flaw of the Fatboy was the neck being heavier than the body, because Carvin rejected Holdsworth’s request to make it headless. The balance problem would have been solved by eliminating the headstock. Carvin Guitars is now Kiesel of course, and ironically they now make a Holdsworth model that is headless.

On the Strandberg Reddit, some peeps brought up changes to the guitar tops and veneers that came with the NX design updates. One went so far as to question whether my Salen Jazz NX actually has a maple top with veneer. The burgundy color is so dark that the wood texture - veneer or not - is not really visible unless you hold the guitar within a foot of your face. I like the way it sounds enough, when I play it, that it doesn’t matter to me, really, what kind of wood was used in the top.

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I have one, havent tried it with synths yet, will do that soon

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