The Guitar Thread

Neil young looking guitar, really nice!!


Yes, I do, but many people seem to share your sentiment. Pickups sound great in the middle position (both on), usually not my fav. option, but it works nicely here. And it is just so versatile, with the push button switching (cutting low-end / great for pedal boards) and the series config (the old rhythm section) giving a dark humbucking type option. Great guitar. It came with a lousy setup from the shop, hence the deal I imagine. Unsellable in that state. But this was relatively easy to solve. Now with proper setup it’s so nice. Can’t stop playing, hardly touching my electronic gear, having too much fun with the guitar :sunglasses:

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Great i’m considering a jazzmaster too. Currently have a strat and tele, not sure i like my (fender ultra) telecaster that much. Did you read any things about bridge problems with jazzmasters and what was your conclusion

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Just got the dream 65 too. Love it so far. Prefer it from the Iridium. Sounds great and feels great too. I have a stereo saturation pedal after it at the moment and that’s really helping (OBNE SCREEN VIOLENCE) then into the CXM on room. Love it!


I brought the Bassbreaker 45 to an R&B/Jazz festival over the weekend, and it totally checks all the boxes. Definitely a keeper. Such an underrated Fender amp series.


The bridge is fine, the trem system has a problem in the sense that it is advertised with extended range, but this works only with 0.9 strings, with 11 it gives less range. I use 10’s and don’t need more bend range, it’s fine, sounds lovely and works really well. In general Jazzmasters and Jaguars will probably always be more finicky to set up properly due to their trem systems but it’s part of there charm and the Am Pro II is a pretty stable version of the JM. I love mine…

Yeah agree, plus it’s so flexible, I fancy getting a second hand 45 to stack with my 30…. You might push me over the edge : )

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For those who use the Quad Cortex, can you run their plugins (such as Tim Henson etc) through the QC? I mean , if you can transfer TH presets in the QC and then play the preset on the QC directly, without a laptop connection. Thanks,

I think this is still not working. One thing that really keeps me from buying one.

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Thank you very much! If I have invested already in their plugins then I dont see why I would get the QC if this is not supported.
I asked because I saw a comment under one of NeuralDSPs official videos, stating that they somehow confirmed they plan to add support for this. The comment is 1 year old…

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Our own Scanner having a play with the new EHX String9 pedal.


Quick question on pickups for the guitarists.

My old late-80s HM Strat, has the original DeMarzio humbucker at the bridge-end and a couple of Noiseless pickups (swapped in at the end of the 90s) at neck and mid.

Those Noiseless pickups are really low gain compared to the humbucker.

Any thoughts on whether it might be worth considering higher gain pickups in those positions? Black rather than the noiseless white, would also probably be aesthetically better.

Any suggestions for options? Ta!

Love the Seymour Duncan JB and Jazz set my buddy installed in his SG. They are on my radar when I upgrade stock.

Seymour Duncan has a pickup finder that might help.

Dimarzio also has one:

How funny you found that!
“Our own Scanner” was a very sweet touch too. Thank you!


I liked your musical use of the pedal! You made good use of the Freeze effect that is built in to some of the pedal’s modes.

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All your bass are belong to this luthier



I know your post is a couple of weeks old now so I don’t know if you’ve purchased replacements yet but if you haven’t it might be worth trying to balance the relative outputs by adjusting the puckup heights. With most pickups it makes a pretty noticeable difference. I often have dissimilar pickups in guitars and that’s usually how I get them balanced.
Also since two of them are replacements you might have an issue with the switching that could be messing with the volume balance (series vs parallel and in/ out of phase being the most common).
Might save a few bucks with some fairly simple adjustments.


The pickup height adjustment is a great suggestion.

Another useful tool is a multimeter. If you’re unsure of the output impedance of the pickups, measuring them with a multimeter and quantifying what you’re working with can really clarify things. You might try having a boost pedal compensate for the lower output of the noiseless pickups if the issue is needing to reconfigure things to keep gain/sonics similar when switching pickup settings.

Any acoustasonic players in here? I have a chance to snag an acoustasonic american telecaster for around half of the MSRP as an open box deal. I’ve played one at a local shop and the fit and finish is really nice, and the acoustic sounds are really convincing. Curious about anyone’s experiences with it both as a performance and as a studio tool.