The Guitar Thread

That’s a deal, I’ve played one at a shop acoustically only. Plays/feels nice and is crazy lite. It in no way would make me want to get rid of my acoustic so I didn’t buy it. I still ponder trading my electric in for it someday. Let us know if you take the plunge and how it is!

Coincidentally, the Acoustasonic Tele and Jazzmasters appear to be discounted at the moment on the Guitar Center, Sweetwater, and other online shops.


Hrm, that gives me a bit of pause – maybe something new is on the horizon to replace them? Or a v2?

Next-gen guitars a reasonable guess, as the Acoustasonics have onboard modeling tech to produce the different kinds of acoustic guitar tones. Virtual guitar modeling is pretty good these days, but there’s always room for improvement.

I guess that could have been done by OS update alone but Fender likes to tinker with the hardware too.

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Thanks. I’d tried changing heights previously, but the Noiseless pickups don’t sound good if raised In height. Same if the Humbucker is lowered. They all have a specified, measurable recommended distance from the strings.

So - after talking to a tech in some depth, I’ve had all the pickups replaces with JB and JB Jrs.

Don’t have it back yet, and won’t see the guitar until I get back from Holiday - so back end of August.

Tech says it sounds so good, he’s doing the same operation on his own guitar!

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Yeah the height balancing thing doesn’t always work if the difference between pickups is just too great but it’s always worth trying.
Good choice on the jb set. I have one of the old humbuckers in one of my guitars and it’s great. Let us know what you think when you get it back.

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New pedal from Pigtronix. The Gloamer auto-swell/compressor/tremolo pedal.

Chords of Orion explains what it does more clearly than Pigtronix themselves


I’ve been wanting a more interesting SlowGear/Crescendo pedal to put in front of the FuzzWar.

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I’m rewatching the Bill Ruppert demo of EHX Attack Decay, for comparison purposes.

Compared to Gloamer, it has a built-in fuzz and expression/CV input.

OTOH, Gloamer has compressor and side-chain input for syncing the envelope cycle

I had that a few years ago. For some reason it just didn’t work out the way I wanted, which was as a reverb swell facilitator if I vaguely recall. Then came the Keely Loomer. Wondering now if the gloamer is loomer buddy.

Gloamer seems to give you more control over the envelope, including compression.

For me, it’ll come down to this vs. the EHX String9, which is a different pedal of course. Just a question of if I’d be content with guitar-sounding swells and sustain or if I want more of that hybrid guitar+synth sounding swells, sustain, etc.

I still have this old one. Has even more options, but it is very huge box…


Iridium already had me feeling good about not needing an amp but Dream 65 has me thinking I can sell my hand wired AC15 and get a Ruby and have money leftover for any pedal I’d ever want. Not sure when I’ll get to use the Vox amp again anyway and I feel it’s too nice to not be used and enjoyed by someone.

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Got to agree. I’m loving it. I had the dream 65 but also picked up the Woodrow (think I prefer it to be honest, but that’s just a personal preference towards Tweed).

But it’s the first time I’ve been really happy with a modeller. Admittedly I’m running it into a CXM 1978 set to Room with a OTO Boum on the insert of a SSL Fusion on the insert of a SSL BiG Six…. So that’s x3 boutique amp £££ right there :rofl: But boy, it sound great! That extra saturation after the UAFX and reverb really helps too.

EDIT they do run a lot warmer than I was expecting!


Finally built a board up. First time in ages as normally just have one or two out on a desk with the UAFX and CXM…… Got a few other pedals, but thought I’d build a Chase Bliss one up for fun.

Being honest, I’m not sure I like having a board. Too many choices :man_facepalming:


That seems to me a serious investment in fun :grinning:


Yeah. It kinda makes me feel a bit sick thinking about the investment in it lol. When they’re not all in front of you, it’s like you don’t see you have a problem :grimacing:


Someday I’d love to have a CXM :grimacing:

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Out of curiosity, anyone with an experience/feedback/review on the Yamaha SLG200 and silent guitars in general ?

I’ve been thinking of building a board to but on the other hand I like mixing up things and creating a different sound every time. What guitar(s)are you playing on? and what board did you use for this?