The Guitar Thread

I love it, but can see why some don’t. I find it pretty versatile though. Maybe not as warm as I’d like some of the time.

The board is a wooden one from Marcus D’luxe (seem a bit hit and miss on availability.)
I have 2 main electrics, Collings I30 and a Hahn Tele.

I think I’m going to get a nice shelf to put them on and then just use one or two at a time and sell the big board.

Thanks, I don’t think I’m going to do/make a pedalboard to keep flexibility. Also I dislike putting velcro on my pedals.

main reason for sometimes considering making a pedalboard is speed, sometimes the idea of plugging al the pedals in demotivates me to go and play

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Yeah, that’s what I’d hoped was a bit more of a speedy way, but ultimately I feel it’s almost counter productive for me

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I think it would be cool to be able to split a pickup so that some strings run through one signal chain and the other strings run through another signal chain. For example, maybe I want to run my low E and A strings through a bitcrusher but I want the rest of the strings to stay clean.

Does something like this exist? If not, how do you think you would go about doing it?

There’s an OBNE pedal designed to do exactly that, and it’s relatively cheap: old blood noise endeavors — Split | Meld

Edit: oh, I’m stupid and didn’t read the message very closely for the “different sets of strings” part :man_facepalming:

Google tells me you should look for hexaphonic/polyphonic pickups and a breakout box

Yeah there’s a pick-up that can do that. Damned if I can remember the name. It fits on to nearly any guitar too with no modding. Will see if I can find it


They do two types


I had something much more complicated in mind, but this is perfect. And pretty reasonably priced. Thanks!

Edit: Actually the Submarine Pro is exactly what I had in mind. Putting it on my wish list!

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Your Google-fu is stronger than mine. I couldn’t figure out the words to get past coil splitting.

I realized I got a little carried away with new pedals this past month. Everything here except the tuner are new to the setup.

It all started with Dream 65, which made my SD-1W sound better than I ever got it to sound with my Iridium. Suddenly I wanted a more transparent overdrive to pair with the SD-1, and went back to the Blues Driver (owned many years ago) after hearing how great it sounds with the gain fully cranked.

I played around with higher gain settings in a way I’ve never leaned towards in the past, and then I started considering a Big Muff or the HM-2W. Got the Big Muff first and enjoyed it so much I had to get the HM-2W as well. They both sound so good in very different ways.

Also got the RV-6 back in the mix after selling one last year when I got the Golden Reverberator. RV-6 just does what I want for a guitar reverb, especially since I’ve been preferring to run it pre-dirt lately. GR is just overkill for that, and sounds way too nice to be put through that treatment.

Anyway, distortion is fun. I’m glad to have finally moved past the realm of clean to crunch I’ve stayed in during most of my years with guitar. The last pedal I’ve been interested in is a Fat Rat, but I should wait a while before adding anything else. My Turbo Rat will have to do until then :joy:


I have to ask. What is the advantage of the Waza Craft tuner over the regular? Better buffer?

Bass and or gtr into infinity looper into origin comp and cab into octatrack A + B.

Gtr into soul bender / origin comp into henriksen amp. DI from amp into OT C.


Yeah supposedly the buffer is improved over the TU-3, which apparently wasn’t as good as what’s in the TU-2? I still have my TU-2 and can’t remember why I went for a TU-3W when I got one some years ago. I think I also wanted the better accuracy and speed and probably just liked the color.

I like it, and the blue LEDs really came in handy the one time I gigged outdoors with it. Should last me decades so the extra money was well worth it to me. I’d still suggest a used TU-2 any day though if you want to spend less.

A very humbling showcase of an unusual acoustic played with impeccable feel/timing in case anyone has missed this … great ‘cover’ arrangement


DAAAAMN that’s a crazy cover

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Can anyone recommend a guitar 3/4 size lightweight with a thin neck. Trying to make it as easy as possible to play for arthritis sufferer. Cheers.

electric or acoustic?

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Electric cheers.

Pretty sure Jackson make guitars that size? Those type of axes usually come with thin necks

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