The Guitar Thread

good question, … I need to think about it

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I felt that way when I started playing guitar. Playing chord shapes seemed much more difficult than strumming in time. But it looks different once you want to play some complex arpeggios, then you really want to pick with your dominant hand.
I guess the only way to find out would be swapping sides for a year… wonder if anyone has tried it seriously?

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Being a lefty kid (forced right) I still have good time coordination with my left hand, but the problem is getting tired way way faster than my now dominant right hand. So even though I can do a decent job of it, the problem is strength/endurance.
Playing piano though I can still keep good time playing arpeggios, as most pianists would.

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Do your pedal board cases have a little hatch door inside where you can put a guitar :rofl:


I think the left/right thing on guitar is really just what you get used to. I started to play classical guitar at the age of 7. I am right hand, but if somebody learned me it reversed for some reason, I would play it that way.


I realized that I wouldn’t play as leftie. When I was 12 I got my right hand injured, so I can’t move properly with my little finger and partially with ring finger. So I would not be able to do the fretting with right hand.
I was also thinking why this even matter for somebody while piano is still the same for both… On the other hand(!) I would prefer to have synth or midi controller with pitch and mod wheel on the right side. I like to play with the left hand - partly because that injury and because I still have long nails on my right hand from my times with classical guitar. I even play with nails on bass guitar…

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That’s the correct answer though. The rhythm of guitar playing is usually driven by the picking and strumming, and your dominant hand will be better at consistent timing. You can tolerate more slop with fretting. It might make sense to use your dominant hand for fretting if you mostly play finger tapping, but that’s an edge case.

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Don’t tempt me.

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There’s a few peeps here rocking the GothEphone. Looks nice!

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Just following up on my query from a few weeks ago regarding spring style reverb pedals in case anyone’s interested.
I’ve bought and resold a few and had the opportunity to play a couple others and will, at least for the time being, stick with the SA true spring. A few people called that one early on. While it might have been nice to have saved time and gone with this obvious pedal from the beginning I had fun trying out other stuff too.
It’s not wild at all but it does the thing and does it quite convincingly. The biggest surprise is how dynamically sensitive it is, something I found lacking in most others I tried.
The tremolo was not a selling point for me and although it sounds good it’s awkward to use interactively. I tend to use trem with expression pedals and constantly mess with them (my main tremolo is an ehx super stereo pulsar) though maybe this could be achieved via midi with the neuro hub. I might be able to eliminate the walrus monument from my chain though as I mostly use it for the harmonic setting and the one on the true spring is at least as good. We’ll see.
All in all I’m happy with it. It doesn’t hold up to an actual mechanical spring reverb unit but that would be a totally unreasonable expectation and with the exceptions of things like feedback and tank crashing it’s close enough when playing with other people.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions and input.


Can anyone recommend a vst guitar amp and cab sim that runs on apple silicon natively?

The Neural DSP plugins are all pretty great.
You can demo them for a couple of weeks before buying.
All sorts of styles covered.

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Seconding Neural DSP!

Been favoring this 2017 classic player jaguar lately. Has the tune-o-matic bridge so didn’t have to replace it with a mustang or mastery bridge. Pretty sure this is the last year they were using rosewood fingerboards. It stays in tune no matter what I do with the tremolo. Straight into microcosm and straight into super reverb amp. Hours of fun.


Shoehorned the old cosmos onto the board. Gtr - soul bender - origin comp - amp. Then DI from amp - AB splitter - infinity looper / cosmos - ssl6 with reverb on sends. I like to keep the guitar tone separate from the other stuff.


I always wanted that Cosmos but when it was my turn to buy it, I didn’t have the funds. I figure between the microcosm, Zoia, ditto looper, and op1 field, I can get close but not exact. Looks like a fun setup.

Yes I expect it’s microcosm or cosmos. I like the infinity looper for two unsynchronised loops. Both loopers may be too much but will be fun finding out.

Question for folks here.

My apartment flooded on Christmas Eve, about 1.5 inches/4 cm.

Good news:

  1. My guitars didn’t actually get wet
  2. We were able to shop vac a lot of the water out
  3. I haven’t observed any mold

Bad news:

  1. Guitars are hanging in a carpeted room, which is still wet though not soaked through
  2. We have not been able to move the instruments anywhere else and won’t be able to until today at the earliest

What steps should I be taking to keep the instruments safe?

I’d ask the building manager if you can rip the carpet out. Then apply heat, air blowers, and dehumidifiers.

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Thank you. Mgmt put in a dehumidifier yesterday and is promising to strip out carpets this week. We’ve had heat cranked up and two box fans going.

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