The Guitar Thread

The Matriarch has stereo filters which can also be used in serial, so maybe I can rig something.

Thanks for the inspiration !

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I have a Grandmother myself, but Iā€™d be really curious to try the Moogerfooger filter. It would be great if Moog reissued them.

The filter pedal that Iā€™ve been using g the most for the past year or so is the Spaceman Explorer. Itā€™s listed as a phaser, but it does so many cool filter effects.


I have been playing with the Syntax Error pedal I got for Christmas (after our apartment finally got fixed). The Cube mode has a LPF, and Freq modeā€™s frequency shifting can approximate some filter effects

Love a good filter pedal though most Iā€™ve tried have left me underwhelmed.
Iā€™m always on the hunt for the right filter pedal(s).
My favorite currently in my stable is the ehx tube zipper. Not very pedalboard friendly in size or power requirements but sounds so good!
I recently picked up a pigtronix resotron cheap at auction. I got it with the intention of using it for bass but thatā€™s not working out. Iā€™m going to put it through its paces with guitar and see if thatā€™s any better.
Iā€™m also a fan of eq pedals for more precise fixed filtering. A few weeks ago I was playing with a friend and we set up our eqs as pseudo comb filters but in opposing bands to each otherā€™s. It was interesting. It sounded best when we were playing similar parts in unison.

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More than just a filter pedal, but the Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII has captured my interested.

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The filters and cycling envelope on the minifreak are cool for guitars!

Actually this is the guitar straight in to the minifreak as you can bit crush and break up the signal on the audio in oscillator then have in run through the analogue filter and envelope and the effects. The distortion, chorus and 3step eq effects make is sound pretty good to meā€¦ it sounds much better through the minifreak than running the guitar through the DN or SY.

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I have a freq peak which I use occasionally to shape guitar trone. Itā€™s good. Not too crazy. I also have a moogerfooger lpf, which is fundamentally different due mainly to the resonance and frequency modulation (so to speak). Less plug/play on guitar.


MS-20 modulated filter sounds great with guitar

Sounds great on electric violin too. Earlier in the video, there are some sloppy attempts at getting the violin to trigger the MS-20 oscillator, then experimentation with MS-20 only and MS-20 + violin sound


I got the Behringer version of the MS20 for use with guitar, but this isnā€™t as much filtering as it is getting the synth to track your guitar, right? Basically closer to a guitar synth rather than say playing through the filter and reverb on the Grandmother. This is a pretty good tutorial on it for anyone interested in it.

You can do either or bothā€¦ assuming Behringer replicated the ESP section properly

Turn the ext. in all the way down for synth only. Turn it up and VCOs all the way down for guitar only ( for processing with the filter ).

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This sounds awesome! You could probably do some great stuff stacking notes in a chord as well.

I would recommend the Dr Scientist Dusk, but I only really use it for the fixed filter mode on guitar. Itā€™s not my favorite envelope follower on guitar, but that works well on bass. I also havenā€™t found much use for the LFO mode yet.

(With an octave pedal itā€™s insanely good on bass, like here. The one time the clickbait title isnā€™t clickbait) :slight_smile:

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Thanks, will have another go with it to try filter only! The Behringer supposedly tracks better than the MS20 mini from what Iā€™ve read online. I donā€™t have an MS20 mini so I canā€™t compare.

For just using the filter, the tracking of the VCOs to guitar pitch doesnā€™t matter anyway. The ESP section in this case is just needed to provide the gate signal to the synth, so you donā€™t have to do anything goofy like resting a weight on a key of the keyboard like you would on other analog synths with external input.

MS-20 filter is dirty sounding on its own. If the K2ā€™s is as filthy, you might not need to hook up a drive/fuzz pedal between guitar and K2.

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I just watched the Andy demo for that, and it sounds great. He does a bit of what I was talking about with ā€œreshaping the resonant peak of the pickupsā€ as he describes it. Anyway, Iā€™d be all over that if I didnā€™t own way too many phasers.

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Revised my main guitar pedalboard for some upcoming gigs this year.

Two additional pedals were squeezed on a new Pedaltrain Classic 2. This week the power units will be attached, which includes a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus power supply and two Voodoo Lab Pedal Power X4 18V expander kits, and pedals secured. Below is the virtual image of the actual pedal layout:

It is totally overkill for the type of gigs I mostly do, but should be fun.



this reminds me of when you come out to your car and thereā€™s someone parked in front of you with their hazards on but nobodyā€™s in the car


It isnā€™t a pedalboard unless you achieve this!


After much back and forth and indecision, I finally pulled the trigger on a Two Notes torpedo load box!

I was really hesitant, since even though I had always heard good things, I was skeptical about how it would actually sound. At the end of the day, this seemed like that best solution to record direct into a DAW and still preserve the ā€œbestā€ tube amp sound possible.

The torpedo absolutly delivers, and the free cab models that it comes with were so good I actually purchased all of their available cab models to use with their plug-in.

First off the most important thing that I found was that it totally preserves the organic, alive responsiveness that tubes amps have. Second, the cab models that are available are incredible. The plug-in that hosts the models has TONS of features and customization to get exactly the tone that you want.

Also has a speaker thru and a -20db attenuated speaker out, so you can use it with an actaul cab at the same time and scale the volume to taste.

My only gripe is that I wish you could use both the dry line out and the XLR out with onboard analog cab sim at the same time


Iā€™ve been considering getting one of the Torpedo load boxes for recording. My latest amp has an attenuator built in so I can play at home levels but I still need to record the guitar and itā€™s not always easy to set mics up.

Iā€™d love to hear some samples :slight_smile:

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