The Guitar Thread

I’m on my phone until later this morning. Love this so far! looking forward to having a listen when I’m at my desk….

Thank you! That’s very kind :black_heart:

*don’t smash guitars though!!

I could have edited together a better cut and made my rusty bits magically disappear but I felt a bit disingenuine to do it after you played such an honest part so I just left it as is and added the rain which I recorded with my zoom since it was raining anyway

It’s pissing down here so I can hear rain anyway, but then I realised you’d added some too :joy:. I like it! Back at my desk late morning so can check it out properly. Thanks again


Where I am right now as I played your recording haha

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we’re “in the same boat” nyuck nyuck

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My old DOD Super American Metal disappeared in my shared jam space but I now got this “new” pedal for the occasional doom metal escapade. :smiley:


Quick. Sample into DT. Make hit track.


Finished re-configuring a main and secondary pedalboard this weekend for future gigs, and unexpectedly purchased a vinyl copy of The Jimi Hendrix Experience’s " Are You Experienced" album while shopping for other items.

As a result of the weekend activities, it got me thinking what should I do with a leftover Pedaltrain board and lots of extra pedals? Well, a decision was made to build a “permanent” Jimi Hendrix inspired setup for fun, which has actually been a goal of mine for several years. A new power supply is needed, but below is the plan based on the relevant pedals presently owned and available board space:

  • Dunlop FFM2 Germanium Fuzz Face Mini
  • Dunlop FFM3 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face Mini
  • Vox V847 Wah
  • Fulltone Octafuzz V2
  • EarthQuaker Devices The Depths Optical Vibe
  • J. Rockett .45 Caliber Amp-in-a-Box
  • Walrus Audio Polychrome Flanger
  • MXR Carbon Copy Delay
  • JHS Spring Tank Reverb


I just bought an Orange Fur Coat (with Octave). Skinny, but still sexy.


Congrats to Melanie Faye for getting her own signature model guitar

Love the metallic surf green and the white pickguard.

Seriously thinking of ordering one and putting up my other D’Angelicos for sale. They have their merits, with my tonal preference leaning towards the MiniDC. The main problem with the MiniDC is the body is so light relative to the neck that the neck wants to go down when you play it standing up. I recall Faye was interested in the MiniDC for the lighter weight compared to her full size DC, but I think she eventually came to similar conclusions as myself - the bigger body of the full size allows the neck to stay in place.


Man D‘Angelico is one of those brands that I really struggle with…basically a legendary New York-based luthier / their brand, bought out and used to label made-in-Korea guitars for made-in-the-US prices. I’m sure their guitars are very good, I have an Epiphone Les Paul from the Korean Samick plant and it’s an excellent guitar, it’s just something about how the brand and its history are leveraged in appearance but hardly at all in essence.

That said, Melanie Faye is a fantastic player and if it’s good enough for her it should most certainly be good enough for me and many more.

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D’Angelico had an NYC luthier build guitars under the D’Angelic Master Builder brand for a while. I believe the luthier was Victor Baker: About Vic » Victor Baker Guitars NYC

I think Kurt Rosenwinkel and Bob Weir had new D’Angelico guitars made for them by this person.

I’ve heard Victor Baker’s name as a luthier before I heard of the rebirth of D’Angelico. At my current skill level I can’t justify the cost of a US luthier made archtop so it makes no difference to me if he’s still taking orders for Master Builder D’Angelico guitars. If I were at that rarified skill level and decided I wanted a guitar made by him, I’d probably just have him make a Victor Baker guitar, not a D’Angelico branded one.

I’m now at Grade 4 of the Neo Soul Guitar Pathway.

Grade 3 focused on soloing with the pentatonic, major (and relative natural minor) scale, and altered scale. Grade 4 is a continuation of that.

I’ll be hanging out at Grade 4 for a while. The Performances section has a rich assortment of licks and riffs, especially triad-based gospel stuff. I’m content to spend the time working on these instead of rushing to Grade 5.


I am by no means a great guitarist and taking lessons still from a pro metal musician but at least now I do not totally suck and can make somewhat musical outputs from my guitars.

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There are some really cool D’Angelico models. I try not to look at the Bedford SH too much, because I really don’t need to buy another guitar :stuck_out_tongue:


Melanie Faye plays her blue Kiesel in the Neo-Soul Pathways videos. Looks and sounds like this:

So I didn’t see the Melanie Faye model guitar coming at all.

What I hope to get out of these guitar studies is to be able to play rhythm guitar parts, riffs, etc. with much better groove than I had before starting Neo Soul Pathway. My skill level relative to others does not matter.


new pedalboard setup. Have a gig Saturday night. That midi foot pedal on the left is controlling recording buffers on the OT.


I’m 57, and I’ve played guitar sice I was 17. It’s brought me alot of joy, and gave me a creative outlet nothing else has. I write songs, which is the only thing I was ever really good at, and following the breadcrumbs on my guitar to a cool riff or tune is the best feeling ever. Using altered tunings and different capos, I can honestly say I have a style unlike anyone else in the world, something everyone should get to say about something in their lives. Here’s what I mean about a unique style:


I want to sample my guitar and bass into my Digitakt. Since the Digitakt doesn’t have a preamp, Is it a preamp pedal/DI box I need to turn instrument level into line level?
I see a lot of interesting preamp pedals with built in compressors and EQ and overdrive etc, but they seem to be marketed towards either guitar or bass, not both. Is there a pedal out there that works for both? I’d like to keep my setup tiny, preferably one pedal (for both guitar and bass) and the Digitakt.

If you have a mixer with HiZ on any mono channel, plug your stringy stick directly into that and put the DT on the fx/aux out or main/monitor out.

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