The Healthy Take Down... Sugar replacement Recommendations?

My wife used agave syrup for a while, but ultimately decided that she had to cut that too.

The best alternatives still contain a lot of sugar, so cutting it 100 percent is the best way to go. And with good coffee or espresso that’s a lot easier.

you mean “no added sugar”, given the milk sugar :wink:

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after realizing how many things already have some sort of sugar in them I really started noticing the added sugar thing in the ingredients, simple stuff like tomato paste, you can get a pure tomato paste that already has sugar from the tomato itself vs with added sugar, things like that really transformed what products I buy and I always look at the ingredients/nutrition labels, you can clearly see the added sugar products and avoid them if you’re in a process of dropping sugar.

also, eat more fruit, it’s blasted with sugar but has fiber so it’s good replacement for processed sugar things.


You could take xylit its actually good for your teeth and bones but its expensive and I wouldn‘t take to much of it either.

I have a problem with chocolate and peanut butter. Like once a week or every other week I get a bag of chocolate covered pretzels and eat the entire contents of the bag. Or I get a jar of peanut butter and eat it with my granola and yogurt, it usually only lasts a week.

These are my weaknesses.


I tried all sorts of diets and programs and had friends who owned supplement stores like Max Muscle and were IFBB pro body builders. Creatine did not work for me. Only thing that worked was whey protein shakes, lots of meat, eggs, non carb veggies and hard workouts.

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thanks for this

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BOOM, Dr Berg DeBunks Erythritol study, science


I was wondering if that study was funded by Big Sugar.

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Yes, but you failed to mention that they have to be from Indonesia.

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Quite a few others have also debunked that ‘study’. Absolute horseshit.

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It was funded by Cargill, makers of Erythritol, so possible they knew the study was completely bogus and their plan was to make headlines, have everyone pick apart the study to prove it safe again. Pretty smert.

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Ha, that’s one way to go I guess. Weird.


…sugar !?..that uber drug of the late industrial age…

always keep in mind, sugar as we know it, came into daily life of modern human mankind only one century ago…!!!..that’s literally yesterday, in civilisation perspective…

we still only learn but have no clue yet, what it actually does to/with us…
meanwhile, half the planet feeds from processed food only, and there’s almost NO PROCESSED FOOD where sugar is not part or even an essential part of it…in fact, it’s pretty much IN EVERYTHING u buy in ur supermarket…even in all the stuff u’d never associate with any sweetness…

all articial substitutes to sugar are even more suspicious, some already prooven to push THE desease of modern times…cancer.

only way out of it…retrain ur senses…a detox delux…rehab the hard way…get it out of ur system, out of ur daily habits, avoid it as much as possible for quite a while to learn and appreciate again, what all sort of things REALLY taste like…

even given the fact that EVERYTHING gets SUGARCODED in some way or the other these days…

only truu alternative to sweeten things up a little in a natural non esotheric way is stevia…but that has it’s very own aftertaste again…and is kept down by the food industry, due to the fact that sugar is another super established super duper cheap big bux business…

just have to get used to not having sugar in coffee. took me a minute but i use some full fat creamy oatmilk and it makes everything smooth tasting… plus making coffee w/the aero press just makes a perfect smooth cup. also helps to go w/a medium roast that isn’t bitter. high quality beans make a difference.

the chobani ‘extra creamy’ oat milk is good as is the Oatly barista edition. a bit spendy but worth it imo.

i think honey is way better than sugar for tea and most things really. it’s pure glucose and unrefined etc… also there’s may different types/flavors that depend on what the bees are eating and what flowers etc they’re diving into.

i see people who use AgaveNectar as a replacement for honey/sugar but i haven’t tried. the types they have in stores here are very expensive. i haven’t looked much to be honest because i’m content w/honey. i like it for cooking too. depends on recipe of course but it blends well with other flavors.

real maple syrup is a nice glucose too but doesn’t really fit in to everything. though a touch of it in a couscous with some cooked walnuts and chicken is pretty awesome.

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Or Jamaica.

Just jumping in with another I gave up sugar in my coffee and couldn’t be happier. It was actually due to wanting to give up the cream initially.

Really can’t believe how much sugar I consumed growing up. It’s a hell of a drug.



I put sweetened condensed milk in my coffee and i make sure it’s the brands that use real sugar, not HFCS. takes me like two weeks to go thru a can, which is basically sugar and milk in a can.