The improvised techno thread

Sounds interesting. Love your stuff by the way. I’ve been listening :wink:

I used to run each voice through its own hardware effect before hitting my mixer. Although I played around with Perf and Scenes, live tweaking took up enough mental real estate at the time for me to not bother using the features. I will probably start looking at various ways to use the Perf and Scenes soon because I done away with most of the effects and the mixer.

Did you set your Perf parameters and have kept them the same? Change per pattern/song?
What do you find most useful?

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Thanks for compliment!

I have no rules for the perfs except the track assignment (and even that one has exceptions). It really depends on the particular sound. Sometimes it s the filter, sometimes decay, pitch, delay send, lfo depth, etc. So each kit has its own set of perfs and i (try to) internalize them by playing a lot.


I mostly work with recurring scenes, that are always on the same spot and affect the same kind of parameters (high pass filter, fx, same stuff as mentioned above mostly).

Besides that, I have one dedicated scene, always on the same place; that’s tailored to the specific song. Can be anything, so when revisiting an older track your guess is as good as mine - but if I see a Scene there, I know I can expect it to be tweaked well, and to really change the vibe of the arrangement.


A 13 minute jam I edited down into something manageable (Imagine this monotony for 13 f*cking mins…) . I used Rytm + OT and SV-1 (put into Mantis Case) going into MTM Spring reverb and riding the feedback. I love the Rytm:

Edited as I posted the wrong track…


Oh god! You so boring man!

I´m currently leaning towards a combination of OT scenes and AR performances (which are more specific) controlled from a midi track on OT. Actually, the first thing I did when I got my Rytm was hooking up a midi controller, so I could control performances with knobs.

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I’m going to try out some Perf functionality by using Octatrack Midi affected by LFO’s… well, just an LFO for now, too many and I’ll lose my mind…. Again… won’t be the first time…. What are we talking about again?? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s quite the intro he gives her …

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Here’s a live set rehearsal I recorded a few weeks back, in preparation for a livestream. Alphabase and modular. I had just 3 kits prepared on the AB, the rest is all improvised. I basically used the same exact setup for the actual live set.



Alive and kickin’

Awesome work. Awesome.

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I just got a NDLR, should be interesting to see how much i can do with it and my setup…


Improvising with the DFAM.

“Techno 8 step loopy shite”, as best describe by our friend Darenager. I wish I could switch steps off on the DFAM so I could make 5 step loopy shite.


This is why monotribes are cool, can turn steps off. DFAM can only do it with help from external sequencer. Or sampling… which aint the same.

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This is what I’ve been thinking of the most. I may have 1-2 hrs in the early mornings to make jams. I’m currently working with an MPC2000 classic as my main sequencer. S3200xl to run samples, just picked up a Behringer K-2… I’m wanting a set up to where I can turn on a few machines and just jam out on making pieces of stuff. I feel like I have the wrong set up to do improv with though… came here to see what others are suggesting…

I want a DFAM badly. Have seen a video on YT where they mentioned how difficult it was to get back to a patch previously made. The fact that you have to sequence it through CV also kind of turned me off.

Strength, IMO. :slight_smile:


It’s not that difficult once you learn it.
Obviously it’s not as easy as having patch memory, but there’s only a handful of knobs and the patchbay isn’t super complex.


Take a photo of your patch :white_check_mark:

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