The improvised techno thread

Yeah it’s actually pretty easy, like with anything you use regularly. The “presets” are in your head, always slightly different. Plus there always are a ton of sweeps spots along the way.


Still kinda hard to synch up with other gear though.

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I had NDLR, and this was not the right sequencer for techno, in my practice. Maybe it will be the nice one for your techno. Nice one for ambiant, but lack of reactivity for my set. Must précise that i don’t produce melodic techno.


i fan of all sorts of musics electronic or otherwise, i see a way for it to fit into what i want to do, once i get my head around all it’s features and how to use it.

i know jack shit about writing music, so i use it to show me what pattern look like in certain key(s) and then i make my own pattern. some of what it does is gold when doing live music, like throwing out a drone of the key your in, can be used in several creative ways i can think off top of my head…

Not CV :p!

If you are using the tempo to clock the sequencer, and pitch to advance each step doesnt that mean that sending a clock from elswhere into the DFAM wont work?

Do all experiment you can/will. It’s a very nice sequencer and vert unique. The ability to maintain scales on 4 tracks instantly is dope. That’s why i bought it (i am music theory ignorant).
But i didn’t manage to obtain good results on other music than ambiant. For techno style, Elektron sequencers are very efficients.
I finish to sold it to begin modular case.

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Anybody with a pulsar-23 doing improvised techno?

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Since I started this thread, I thought I’d update my current status re. improvising techno. I’ve sold most of my hardware the last few weeks as it wasn’t working for me and currently I’m taking my time in deciding what setup to create next. Current mind state is making my OT the hub for some sequencing duties and loop/sample playing/mangling and adding some very hands on pieces. My ideas are:

  1. pulsar 23 and a synth like the dB-01
  2. Erica lxr drum machine, a synth (db-01 or Swarm and a colour unit (eg a heat or acidbox)
  3. Erica techno system.
  4. Build a custom eurorack system

First world problems I know.


From what I’ve seen of the Pulsar, why not try that on its own first, especially as it has a voice dedicated to bass/drones. Then add something else later once you know what’s missing. I’d wager it wouldn’t be something in the bass department, but something a little higher in register/mix.


If I was putting setup together from scratch out of that list, I’d probably go for the Pulsar, the Swarm and run them through the Acidbox or Heat.

I think they would complement each other, sound wise and there’s lots of opportunities for patching between them, such as clock, modulation and the really surprisingly decent sounding spring reverb on the Swarm. Also, they can both be played via midi too, if CV gets boring.


Linking this here at I thought it was pretty interesting and useful for improvising.


Latest first world problem - what colour Pulsar to get…

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Any other synths that can do this sample and hold/random sequence generation?