The improvised techno thread

This :+1:


When I don’t feel like working on the music I plan on releasing, I like to just turn off the lights, turn on all my gear and make some techno. Throughout covid I’ve been perfecting my room to be all integrated, everything is in sync and everything comes into a big Midas mixer for effect routing.

Here’s my latest improv techno session. A4mk2 is running the session, sequences both channels of a Syncussion and has it’s own part that comes in here and there. Drums are mostly TR808 running through a Sherman Filterbank in parallel. My favorite thing in here is probably the Roland DC30 BBD delay, which has a great overdriveable preamp (probably the same preamp as the KM60 as it has the same gain switch!).

When I make my typical music I plan out my transitions really meticulously. I haven’t figured out yet exactly how to transition more quickly in this setup. I think maybe I’ll just keep going with this setup and stop overwriting the same patterns with each new idea, build up a library of options to mix through.


Thanks for your videos explaining Verbos modules. It makes me buy few. Nice products

No problem, Glad you liked it ! I’m due for a new one :slight_smile:


Couldn’t sleep last night, this is what came out.
The sine like sounding ping on 25 left is the resonating filter btw. :> Found that quite nice and started recording.

AR MK2 + Digitone


Thick analogue kick & dgitone :slight_smile:
Just kept turning knobs and could not stop.


Feeling like spamming.
Just recorded this, early morning, might be a bit bassy as i was playing around in low volume
Oh, you can also download in .wav if you want to, of course


Here’s a Sunday jam. I’'m new to the trade of improvised techno, I share in the spirit of moving on :slight_smile:


I like these broken DN sounds!

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This reminds me that i should more often go further than open hat + 16th closed hat + ride regarding percs. :>

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What do you mean by that?

Thanks for listening!

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I really like your percussions, they feel alive, uplifting. :slight_smile:

Inspirational, if you will.
I tend to stay with open hat, closed hat, ride, maybe some hat-variaton with highspeed lfo on pan or something, MAYBE some midtom. I should really use more melodic drum sounds and your nice little techno jam reminded me of that, so totally a good thing, mate. :slight_smile:

Since I always jam with AR MK2 and Digitone, Im kind of caught in muscle memory an brain lag sometimes.

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Ah I see! Thanks for sharing.

I always love percussion in techno, I’m not too young and in the 90s there was a style, I believe called Tribal, of hard techno with percussions that still are very alive in me.

I must say that the instrument is also sounding great: Nord Drum 3p, I find the percussions it produces very lively percussions. It’s quite amazing in that regard. It does most of the percussions and kicks in this set. Digitone does a few kicks (love them!)

Is there some techno of yours to listen to? I’ll look in this thread!

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Haha, I can hear that. :slight_smile:
Me too, but I’ve never really payed significant attention to percussion while making music.
I saw a few videos about the Nord, but I never used it. You can get a lot of cool sounds from pretty much any device, you cant know them all :smiley:

If you want some techno of mine I guess this is pretty close to it:

My own little thingy, lets call it techno.


Definitly techno! :wink:

I don’t have a good listening condition right now, sounds good anyway.

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What machines are you using?
Whats your sampler? Digitakt?

I sold the Digitakt to buy the AR MK2, but…I need to get a Digitakt again, especially with the second LFO and the digitonesque bandpass filter. AR is all nice and beautiful, but Digitakt ist so much more “direct” when you turn knobs and smash those buttons, it feels totally different. Even different from Digitone.

Yes, I too love the Digitakt with passion, I find it super direct, as you say. I get something I like very fast, always, when I turn to it.

It is at the center of my setup, playing sequences and sequencing the Nord Drum 3P and Moog. Then there’s a Digitone synced to it, and currently I’m trying a Blackbox for the occasional stereo loop and for looping for transitions.

All this in a Xone 96 (this jam was recorded with a replacement 92 while my 96 gets repaired). I love the DJ mixer for the performance aspect, the eqs, faders and filters add a lot. Ah, and sends as well, there’s an H9 and Space for that duty.

I’ve been tempted by a Rytm a few times but in the end not. The Digitakt is great for me, such a beautiful instrument. As you, more so than the Digitone for me.


Ive been thinking about getting some kind of (xone) mixer to use all those “DJ” effects that could make playing live a lot more fluent…theres that Pioneer DJ-Remix tthing that pretty much does that as well.
All those moneys. :frowning:

The one I have doesn’t have built-in effect beyond the filters, but these are really good and it has two sends so I use pedals. It sounds (to me) fantastic though, and has 6 stereo inputs, 10 when counting two more that only have a volume knob. I just love it.

What I love most is the eq and faders, like when DJing, it’s part of the performance. Helps make breaks and such. It was expensive though, yes.

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Dave Mech does this, a digitakt = a deck