The improvised techno thread

do you think a second digitakt would add more flexibility to your workflow?

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I thought about it but I have enough instruments for now, it’s too much to manage for me otherwise. I’m happy with one and the variety of other sound sources, making transitions as I can.

What is still unclear is playing the stereo loops part and looping. The blackbox is OK but I’m not convinced yet. Next I’ll try a closed laptop with a launchpad mini, with Live. Nothing beats warped clips.

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I may change my mind in the future though😊

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I had to use a cut-down system consisting of MiRack running on an iPad and an OPZ for the last three month. Got to know it pretty well, and it allows for creating improvised techno on the fly.

This is one of the first tracks I pulled from that system, specially recorded for this brilliant thread:

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, there’s more to come…


Another jam, same 3 basic pattern as the previous one, more practice and more fun! I’m having fun playing that and that’s what matters to me right now, as well as sharing it and hearing what fellow people feel,


Don’t take me wrong bud, but did you introduce white noise in the beginning or is it just noise floor?

Bassline is tasty! ;>

Just finished listening. I really like the whole thing! :slight_smile:

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Noise floor. Cheap cables, no postpro - there you go.

Glad you like it anyway. :slight_smile:


Just improvised a 2hour liveset on AR MK2 and Digitone. :slight_smile:
It always kind of sounds like me, but I experimented alot! I was brave. :>

Not a single pattern change btw
Just dialed in sounds deaf and more or less slowly brought them in the way it felt right…and adapted.
Some delay feedback loop at 44:42 that i made into a break, func + no is lief. <3

/Edit 2

free for download as .wav :>


here’s my last all-nighter


Nice! Had a similar setup In mind with my opz, would you Care to Share the miRack patch?

Man! More than 8 hours?? You’re a hero!

no, I’m on stimulants


Well done.

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I would, if only I could…

Uploading: NotFoundError…

Let me see what I can do about this, as soon as I have an answer to that I will happily share the patch. You can follow the problem solving here:

I did upload the file here: (129.6 KB)

edit: let us see what you come up with :slight_smile:
edit2: upload to Elektronauts forum works now, substituted the link with the direct file upload

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Thanks for trying. Download doesnt work for me, sorry. A good plage to upload would be the mirack section of Maybe you would ret that :slight_smile:

The MiRack space on patch storage is a good idea. As the upload to the forum here works now, I just did that.

Link in my previous post is now updated.

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This one is not 8 hours, but it is made without stimulants. Therefore I don’t know if it still qualifies as techno…

Although I was really looking forward to go back to the black trinity, for now I stick with the created travel setup. Quite interesting to just leave this huge potential sitting on the shelf in exchange for an iPad and the OP-Z.

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Perhaps too off topic because not using Elektron gear and maybe not even considered techno but 100% improvisation class act = Marc Rebillet. His Amsterdam show is certainly worth watching.

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