The improvised techno thread

Today I had the time for jamming and recorded for the first time. The Track is fully improvised arrangement wise . The sequence is a random sequence from the Erica Synths DB-01. Drums from DT. FX etc. from OT. Acidbox MK3 on Master.


That’s what i understand from the market too. My little experience brings me to often buy new modules than 2nd hand. But i keep an eye on 2nd market, cause sometimes really nice prices can be spoted on mint modules. But it’s pretty rare.

I’m not sure that it is a good choice. Here again my little knowledge shows me that if it is a bit cheaper, it is not the better choice, you will surely finish by sold one or two that does’nt match your taste and then lost price difference.
I think that modular need mot of video studios before being sure of what you want. It’s time consumming, but limite mistakes.

For the price, AR is the best techno tools i never saw. I keep it. But with a little modular system, you have a very good improvised techno system. I would suggest DPO from Make Noise as a simple big sounding techno lead, with lot of tweaking abilities that permit the evolving minimal techno.

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I think it’s easier if you stick with one brand and build a homogeneous system.

First law of improvised techno:
n = instrument count
m = manageable number of instruments
m = n-1

For me it seems, anyway :joy:

Nice set by the way, just had a listen


Yes! Another rule of thumb: One instrument per hand :grin:

Thanks for listening :+1:


More and more I think live setup should be OT and Rytm only, maybe add the 303/RAT. Everything else can be sampled into OT for live playback.


I have so much fun with a similar setup with a model samples instead of the rytm ! I have stems recorded from my modular that I dj with on the OT, and 909 samples to improvise some drums while the stems are playing. Kind of an improvised techno set too:


As long as you have a good way to mix and mute, you can have all kinds of synths. That’s the important part. You can go with one or two capable devices ala Elektron and Dave Mech, or you can have as many as will fit on a table ala Ceephax Acid Crew. As long as you can mix and mute parts quickly and easily, you’re all set.


I set up a looper in a MOD duo x on the master out of an analog rytm. It took some trial and error to get it right but now it’s an essential part of my setup. It makes for smooth transitions or sometimes just an additional element in a track if I need an extra idea. I’m adding effects on the looped signal chain in the MOD (hpf, pitch shift 1 octave, rhythmic delay, reverb) and after the transition I basically use the last looped track as a percussion theme or noise/atmosphere in the next track. Not sure if this explanation makes any sense, but here is a jam where it was used. Looper is activated at around 9.30

Great thread btw, I love improvised techno if it’s done well. In my own sets I’m more comfortable with the sound and patterns planned and prepared in advance, the looper does add an improvised, surprise element to a set, for me the best of both worlds perhaps.


When working with clips, do you pre program any volume automation? Any specific approach ? I want to hear your ideas.

Stoorlabs closing marathon!
9 hours

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One drummer, a versatile synth and something to play samples. Super basic but that’s all you need.

That brings me to an interesting question.

What elements do you guys prep so you can use it on your improv sets?

I like to add textures and atmosphere, but with simple loops they sound too static so I do batch recordings of longer takes. Ventris×friends never disappoints.


I use a Digitakt for drums and to sequence my Modular via a befaco midi thing.
I have 3 osc, 3 filters some modulation, a plonk and some mixing in there, i can also filter the digitakt in the modular, and send the high freq Band of its drum Sounds to the delay on the modular. Also digitakt is getting some Kind of parralel multiband compression/ distorition.
I prepare patterns for smooth transitions on the digitakt, and work the modular when i jam out :slight_smile:


Also, i Think for techno reverbs and delays are super important.

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A golden oldie for this purpose also , would be the Redsound Soundbite .

Realy nice discovery ! Great stuff! Follow !


My personal rule of thumb . If it doesn’t fit my board (16 track analog mixer) i either need to shelve or sell something . I reserve 10 channels for drums/percussion and 6 for synth/samples . One sound per (mono) track .


Yeah, that’s the Four Tet one :slight_smile:
I got one and never really managed to work with it.

For me it s what fits on the xone:96 (6 full featured stereo channels + 2 without eq/sends). Keeps me from wanting to buy more stuff because it means I have to discard something else.