The improvised techno thread

Pretty much improvised, AR MK2 + Digitone. I like to lay down some random trigs on a globally muted track on digitone, make a sausage move, slowly increase volume, filter & stuff, listen to it, tweak it, turn it up and make something out of it. My approach to improvise a “set”, kind of :slight_smile:


getting better
my last jam, I patched part of it the day before, it got too late and I continued yesterday from where I left. I enjoyed it a lot, that being said it’s not techno for the whole part but there are certain moments where it bangs.

I’m still contemplating a DJ mixer. I can’t decide between the A&H 43C or the 96. Anybody played with these 2? Is the extra cash worth it? I don’t need the extra channels or FX send of the 96 but I really want to know if there is a big difference in sound.

I don’t “think” the analog guts of these two are much different at all. You’ll get the same filter and one less EQ band on the analog side of things. Check out the Xone:PX5 as well for a few more features in between the 43C and the 96. Excellent, well-appointed mixer for about $1100 CAD less than the 96.

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FX send means sending everything to your sampler, i think its a very essential feature, when you want to record a loop. I had the 4:3C in the hand, it weighted significantly less than the 96. (less componets)

The 96 has a lot of unique features. It is a classic.


Here´s a more or less improvised techno Jam. Drum patterns were pre-made. Arragenment and melodic Elements are improvised.

I see you have a px5. Do you have any further comments now that you’ve had it a while? How useful are you finding the internal fx?

I’m absolutely loving the PX5! I’ve never used a DJ mixer in my setup but it is fundamentally more useful to me than a mixing board like my Soundcraft Signature 12.

The soundcard is as robust as I could ask for allowing me to use my iPad for insert effects and/or as an effects send. I set it up that way when I unboxed it for testing and it works a treat! Though I’m not currently using it in that fashion.

For onboard effects, they sound quite good for my needs. I’ve taken more to the reverbs than the delays so far but that’s only because I tend towards the effects onboard of the machines themselves. The only effect that is quirky as the Tape Echo which, when I tried it briefly, doesn’t tempo sync so lining up something sonically pleasing took too long and I shuffled onto the next effect. I’ve heard DJ demos of that Tape Echo that sounded quite nice.

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What’s a good mid-level option there between FMR RNLA and super-expensive mastering limiter?

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The Erica synths Acid Box 3. provides saturation and natural analog limiting. I use it for Sound design in the studio and as a master insert in live jams. It catches peaks in a very pleasant way.

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Mostly Digitakt, using two patterns.
I guess it’s all about keeping things simple, IMO this is my best record yet :slight_smile:


Nice thread, keeping an eye on it!

For now I have settled on the Rytm feeding in to the Octatrack and my friend is using the TR8S and a TB03 all going into a PX5. This way we can switch between rhythm duties and melodics/pads/effects easily and transitions are a bit easier thanks to the Octatrack. Plus we both have acces to a mixer (OT and PX5) with cue abilities.

I’m not keen on adding more boxes to the setup because I feel I can do more with less. More than that gets too confusing while performing, I think.

I also really like using the OT to create weird textures by resampling and looping stuff from the Rytm.

Here’s a cut from a live jam, though this style of performing works much better as an hour long set and reducing things to a single track is actually more complicated than I expected


Top tier avatar you have there @reflektah.


This is a live test stream i did 3 months back for a few mates, something i want to do on a more regular basis.

The idea being I just turn the gear on and hang out in the studio, make something, jam a bit, chat etc It’s not a performance as such but more sorta sharing the studio space with people, so you hear like everything, awkward gaps, things that didn’t work, warm ups, and in this one it ended with an old Plastikman sequence i programmed on the 303.

Maybe I’ll try to do one this weekend if i have courage haha


Nice sounds @reflektah and @pokk


Thx @subduct

Only started the video to skip through it at first, but wow, I ended up listening to the whole thing! Cool idea to catch a studio jam vibe, very nice and chill rubbery sounds.

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Ahh thanks @Lauli really pleased that come across. That gives me a bit of motivation to do more. Pleased you enjoyed it :innocent: