The intoxicated hangout

You’re brave. I’d be scared of anything listed as pineapple chili flavor (and kombucha too).


I tried not to think about it and just go for it

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toddlers asleep :raised_hands:

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A couple of weeks ago I was watching one of his (if we are talking about Ihor) from scratch videos, and he does the func + left/right arrow to move trigs on the pattern, and my brain almost exploded, there are so many little things you don’t pick up just from reading the manual. Definitely sped up my workflow when I’m in the sketch phase


I live in the city where beer A is brewed. And it is the wrong thread for beer B, as it is non-alcoholic. :grin:

Ripped a snort of my wife’s Windsor Newton. Happy Thursday everybody!


The Grapefruit Seltzer Diaries
Entry 2
Someone posted earlier about drunken injuries and ive been mulling over which one to share. The broken ankle? The broken nose? The punch to someones face that broke two fingers on my right hand and made my arm swell up like a sausage to the elbow? or the black boot print hematoma over my right kidney that sent me to the emergency room pissing blood the color of black coffee…
I settled on the time my housemate Dominic and I made up some rules for a drinking game for the five hour version of Wolfgang Petersens 1981 film Das Boot and i got so drunk that i hurt my own feelings.
It was a shitty Portland winter, sometime around 2009 or so. I had been fired from my first sous chef gig at a poorly planned, terribly executed Tex Mex place called Trigger, named after both Roy Rogers horse and Willie
Nelsons beat up acoustic guitar. It was a fiasco from the get go, and when it was clear that the money was only goibg to go down the toilet i was the first to be let go as a salaried employee they deemed unimportant. I wasnt making enough money there anyhow to cover the costs of rent, bills, food, booze, and, at the time, cigarettes… so i needed to find a roommate and fast, because that unemployment insurance takes a while to start coming in.
Dominic was a legend. Born in Bristol, England, to American parents who somehow failed to turn in crucial paperwork for him and therefore had no American citizenship, he grew up to become somewhat of an underground BMX legend, amazing writer, unemployed lay-about, and massive drug addict. I believe he was an avid enthusiast of crack cocaine for almost 10 years. He had a very pragmatic view point on hard drug use, saw right through it for what it was and embraced it and would eventually kick his crack habit, yet periodically dip his feet back into it because, i suppose, he enjoyed it.
So, he was this 6’2" crust punk with darting eyes, missing teeth, a great smile, a thunderous laugh and the ravaged pericardium of an 89 year old man.
Lo, and behold! He fell in love with a 20 year old prostitute. They bonded over getting fucked up on cough syrup and screwing in that warped record red sweater haze that DXM brings on.
They got married.
He was the smart and clean one and she was the slovenly ignoramous.
A true fairy tale…
Anyhow, these two had been homeless and couch surfing for months, separately and together at multiple places, scheduling their conjugal visits in other peoples bathrooms and getting kicked out as a result.
Despite the fervent protestations of nearly everyone i spoke to about this, i asked them to move in with me, provided there was no hard drug use in the apartment, and no hooking whatsoever (she was currently off the stroll, and working as a terrible waitress in an awful bbq restaurant) and that they could come up with the $400 a month i needed to split rent on the apartment.
It was agreed upon, and i moved my poor little boy out of his bedroom and into mine.
a few months go by with he and i both unemployed. I was on the wagon for a little bit but fell off hard and one night the idea just came up.
Das Boot the Drinking Game
Only the 5 hour edition will do.
Becks Beer is to be drank. I made the mistake of switching to white wine at some point and i became uncomfortably twisted.
You will drink when:
Anybody says “Captain”
Johann the Diesel Mechanic appears on screen
Anybody say “ALARM!”
Anytime anybody complain about Orders
Any sort of sexual innuendo takes place
And then the sonar pings…we tried a few variations on what to do when there are sonar pings, but during the depth charge barrage scene it all just went out the window and we basically just chugged beer for a few minutes straight.
I think im forgetting at least one drinking rule, but…these seltzers just make the mind slip into a fizzy bath of, well, forgetfulness.
Good luck with that, should you attempt it. I got proper fucked up…

I lost Dom several years back. After kicking crystal meth on my couch and leaving his wife, who had gone back to hooking, and heading out for Austin, TX to hook up with some connections in the BMX business, i was saying goodbye to him. I told him “I hope i dont see you again for a quite some time…” but this was because we knew that Portland was killing him at the time and he needed to get the fuck out. He was tired of being the guy who knocked on the door of the motel room wearing a ski mask with the AK-47 in hand to make sure payment was received for his wife’s services.
he hugged me goodbye on the porch and i sent him a link to the Warren Zevon song “Desperados Under the Eaves” and told him to listen to it as the Greyhound bus got on the freeway heading south.
He came back to Portland and never contacted me. His wife was all sorts of strung out, and they’d concocted some plan to rent a motel room by the airport and have her pull tricks for 2 nights and then they’d have the money to get both of them out of town, but it absolutely fell through like some Steinbeck novel, and nothing worked out as planned and the last words he spoke to anybody i know were
‘I shouldnt have come back’
before going back to the hellscape of the meth den apartment his wife was living in and throwing his belt over their bedroom door and hanging himself with it.
Man… that guy was the absolute best guy to get shitfaced with.
RIP, Dominic…

Post Script:
My grandfather flew a B-24 Liberator off the coast of Africa, bombing German U-Boats. HIs unit saw 25% casualty rates, lots of action…
My father took him to see Das Boot when it came out in the theater and he watched it silently.
“Well, what’d you think, Mac?” my father asked his father in law
“It almost made me feel sorry for the sons of bitches” he repiled.


what sort of huffing is this? what gas or propellent are you inhaling or is that just some cute beer packaging?

It’s an aerosol varnish, glue wasn’t doing it for me anymore.


Yes, I remember reading it here and love your raw saturated mixer sounds. Also love taking a walk from the oldtown of the countrys oldest town in direction Schanfigg.
I always feel a good mood there.
I‘ m in Prättigau, Engiadina in summer and zh.

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Photoshopped and crudely censored


This rant is like something out of Disco Elysium. Love that game. 🥸

Very well written rant btw. I enjoyed that!


I read your comment and then read the rant.

I couldn’t help but read it in the Disco Elysium voice

You’re not wrong

Now THAT’S an AK wasteland :grinning:

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Your right!! Hahaha

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Thank you, man! Good to know, that there are other elektronauts here.

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Share interludes, not nudes.

3 drinks in, on tour, pre-performance — inserting the key card in the motel room activates the tv screen showing aquarium footage with ambient chords

the fish are long dead - ambient might be next :sweat_smile:


keep on writing, cemetery man! that‘s the most dellamorte dellamore comment i‘ve ever read on this here forum :bat: