The intoxicated hangout

Storm is rolling in. Time to settle in. 10:37PM local time.


Join us for dinner sometime.

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Are you in PA? Would love to meet up when I’m in the area. I thought you were out west for some reason.

I grew up in Edmonton during the glory years. Hated the Oilers as a kid. I grew up a Habs fan <3

But, I moved to Calgary in '97 and started watching the Flames during the famous run in '03/'04. I went to the first game of the season when they were nobodies. Got cheap tickets to nearly every home game. Then all of round 1 and 2 at the 'Dome. Lived just of 17th Ave/Red Mile. It was a crazy time!


I’m not really a sports guy at this point of life but used to love hockey. Many many many years ago I lived in Philadelphia and got to watch the Flyer vs the Oilers for the cup when Gretzky was still on the Oilers. 1986, I was only 10 years old at the time but absolutely loved it. Family moved to a city a year or two later where hockey was not a thing so unfortunately my skates and stick were also retired.

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oof, I just got a text that 2 and a half of my friends just got fired by another friend of mine. ill tell ya, this is a bizarre position to be in. this calls for an extra large bowl of some gassy indica!


Northeast PA

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^^^this guy gets it

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I’m on my 3rd glass of wine, ordered a Digitone and Keystep yesterday to compliment my Digitakt. I am planning on using just those 3 things for the time being, really going in deep. However that shit doesn’t get here until wednesday, so here I am on youtube watching people better than I on Elektron devices. Anyone got some lesser known channels they like to watch?


for demos or performance stuff?

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both honestly. I have been enjoying this dude Ihor lately, smaller channel but good production value, and the dude knows his way around the DT. Performances are always fun too, its great to see all the different approaches people have to these devices. Been seeing some good stuff from the reddit the last few days as well

“Hang in there” (like the cat)

I wish had the time and energy to get drunk and post in here.


I’ve had my fair share of drinks, so I’ll be shameless and share some DN stuff if it’s inspiring (teh advantage of a thread with no rules ya?):

Just DN (made sure no AH as to avoid Heat GAS):


I know I should probably wait to post after I’ve watched all three, but see above post about wine (now on glass 4). I feel like I should have got the Digitone before the Digitakt, my first legitimate soft synth was FM8 and I had no damn clue on how to create any sounds on that obtuse program, but I instantly fell in love with the FM sound. Just finishing the “slow 80s” vid, really loved the cinematic vibe you got there, would fit perfectly in a Nicolas Winding Refn flick.

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It’s funny because I wanted a Digitakt first but all they had was a DN at my local spot. So I went with that. My first Elektron box. Good news is, you learned the sequencer thanks to the DT and now you know the DN is the next step.

Appreciate it! It’s nice to just use the DN sometimes. It’s got a vibe for sure.

Congrats on new kit! You can thank the wine :upside_down_face:




forum member ezbot has great demo / performance vids on both DN and DT

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Watched some of his stuff too (I’m just over a month on Elektron with DT and now ST). I like that he explains workflow and structure. That was immensely helpful in learning the Elektron way and helped me wrap my head around what I’d like to get out of working with DT.

Congrats on DN. I’d like to work with one but I’m gonna try to stick it out with DT/ST and my other gear.

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Dancing Bear arrived at his new home today.

I also just found these strange alcoholic beverages in my fridge that may taste like total ass…or could be really good.

Pineapple Chili Hard Kombucha!?

Toddlers are asleep and I might be able to choke this down.

Psshhhhk crack

Actually it’s surprisingly okay tasting :joy: