The intoxicated hangout

I heard it’s the best medecine.


Hair of the @Fin25


Oh shit, it looks like I chose the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


Tried it this morning to help…it did not help haha.

Hoping it changes now that I’ve got it mostly out of my system by now. Cheers!


Celebrating Stinko de Mayo, are we?

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Slick, slick…

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4 hours to go for me…

gonna need to try this

i dont think we have banana rum here…?

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But wrinkled plums?


Nice Eggle!

not even! maybe it’s time to make some homemade wrinkled plum liquor

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I was separated from this guitar for 15 years and recovered it from my ex’s shed last year. Was in real need of some TLC so I spent time refurbishing it and it plays as good as I ever remember. Possibly my favourite electric I’ve ever owned, it’s so playable.


“Hang in there”



Even mods can be off duty in this thread.


Alright, I’m two drinks in, i guess i can post.
Stopped of at the liquor store on the way home to pick up some vodka and grapefruit hard seltzers. Its like a vodka soda but with more alcohol, say what you want…i dont care.
The lady at the checkout stand noticed my work shirt, a light brown Carhart button up with the cemetery’s logo on a patch over my left breast. we have made small talk about the cemetery work before and im there pretty frequently, so she picked up the conversation where we left off.
“You have the most relaxing job…”
huh… this struck me as strange. ive been running a gas powered weed whacker for 8 hours a day for over a month, grinding away the grass and dirt that has grown up over the edges of the gravestones. Its not so bad, but its also miserable, mind numbing work that gets you covered head to toe in mud when its raining, and dirt when its not. I also have to weed whack the ditches on the road outside the cemetery, and with traffic coming head on, you have to face into it and use the left edge of the weed whacker so that it spits the asphalt gravel back into your face rather than out into traffic where it could ding somebodies ride.
“Relaxing…” i say outloud to myself…
“Yeah, its so beautiful there, its like a park. It must be super nice to work there, i love it!”
I wonder if it was as relaxing as she thinks it must be, would i be there buying a handle of vodka and a sixer of hard seltzers? From the sound of it i would just go home and assume the lotus position and go back into my meditative hibernation until the new day shined its loving rays upon my semi sleeping face.
I absent-mindedly reach up and touch the open wound on my face where i got hit with a piece of a sequoia branch.
I hand her my card and we do that financial dance and im back in my car driving home.
She isnt wrong.
The job can be amazingly peaceful.
Driving a tractor trailer full of brush we have cleared up and over the hill and seeing the sun break through the clouds and through the bright green of fresh spring leaves, and the lusty pink of the dogwood tree flowers and the dark iron grey skies that threaten to burst and release a torrent of frozen spring hail down on us for a minute or two…
yeah. its pretty great. not gonna lie.
I will just repeat that to myself tmrw when im weed whacking the mud from around the edge of the stone and its hitting me in the face with velocity… i will smile and say, “This is relaxing!” “I am relaxing!” as
dirt fills the spaces between my teeth and gets behind my protective eyewear and behind my eyeballs.


And awaay we go!


If I start talking about how much I want the ST again, you know I’m drinking, or worse (reading ST threads).