The intoxicated hangout

Every job has its weed whacking in the rain and it’s sun bursting through the clouds moments … Actually I’d just say that that’s life. For the lady checking through your order, I’m willing to bet her weed whacking moment probably happens when she can’t find a price and some clever customer quips that it must be free… how original… :slight_smile:

Very well written post by the way. You really painted a picture with your words. Cheers!


I’ve been offered a job (on trial) at a cemetery in Sydney. It’s paying more than I get (got) as a photographer and more than I could get as a scientist (I have a B.Sc).
No experience necessary, answer phones, book maintenance. Pisses me off my university debt blew out to $40k


Give it a go? the office side of things in this industry looks to be a real pain in the ass. If youre good with people and have a shred of empathy and a willingness to fill out paperwork to an exacting specification, Family Couselors can make quite a bit of dough…
It can be quite rewarding work. Even helping people navigate the hell of the paperwork side of a loved ones death is something to be proud of.

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I too work at a cemetery. I work with trees.


They did mention that half the calls are angry relatives upset over missing flower pots. No start date yet, but definitely am taking it. Unless one of the other dozen interviews I’ve had bear better fruit.

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Don’t forget to laugh while you’re relaxing :star_struck:

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Just trees?
are you a Feller?
my cemetery is about 148 acres or so. tons of old trees. most of them with lethal amounts of dead branches half splintered off and waiting for just the right gust of a cool breeze to come crashing down in a life ending/ dismembering crash.
i just hope i am not there when that shit happens…

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Yeah, I’m an arborist at an old-ass 300 acre rural cemetery in Louisville, KY. I climb, prune, remove, cable, brace, grind and protect trees from lightning.


The Death industry is far out, my friend…

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you, sir, or madam, are an absolute badass… and i salute you with this next giant pull off of my vodka-hard seltzer mash up…
we hire out for all our arborist needs… and they do charge a right pretty penny.


Finally home from work. Time to drink beer and hang out on Elektronauts LOL


I recently decided to cut out drinking for a while, coincidentally, my pot smoking has skyrocketed


Enjoying a tripel while watching an EZBOT video - surely going to retain all of the knowledge dropped LOL


what Cemetery do you work at?
That is, if you dont mind me asking…

Agree! When you want a career change, a writer is what you should be :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Humbled… and thank you…
Ive got to gather quite a few more stories from this line of work before i do that…
but that may be the idea…
even though it sounds stressful, and not like the RELAXING activity of weed whacking mud.

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No, thats not nearly anywhere near enough for that kind of work…

Bourbon, Ho!

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Perfect timing to share one of my weapons of choice…don’t drink much these days, but as summer time arrives it does taste nice. Cheers everybody!


I’m on a good streak of going to the gym so i’m not trying to diminish all my success there with beer, which is what I usually want haha! Bourbon is just more efficient currently

you mean to tell me you would score an operatic piece for some beers?
you lunatic!