The "Let's have a positive thread" thread

Gotta say, I’m impressed.
Aussie gov started paying me unemployment benefits a week ago, and today they gave me an extra $750 to go and spend to support local business. I’m seeing about 75 free pizza deliveries in my future.


Picked up a pair of monitors and stands with mine! Butsadly, my rego was due this week.


Damn I forgot rego.
I also need a new aircon radiator, transmission fluid cooler, front bumper and reinforcement bar, a light and indicator, a crash bar, airbag replacement and an eye test before I get back on the road.

Positive -

  • I’ve got to spend a whole month with my kids, while still getting paid most of my wages from my job
  • More time with my wife, though she is still working in an essential position
  • In between I’ve been wrapping my next EP which should be finished soon
  • Wife got a Nintendo Switch for her birthday and my brother in law lent me Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild (great fun!)
  • sold some old gear in order to purchase a Mutable Instruments Ambika which sounds superb
  • organized my back shed
  • have tons of kids clothes / toys I will be donating to a family friend that’s about to have a baby
  • painted our kitchen
  • perfecting my bbq chicken
  • have pulled all weeds from my front yard area
  • potty trained my oldest daughter and she is so proud of herself and so am I

This list made me smile. And is a good example of the opportunities in the chaos

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Sounds serious. On the upside, there’s s’posed to be that extra 550 per fortnight starting soon

-Taking the opportunity to put GAS aside and getting to know my existing devices more deeply. Finally bonding with the Digitone :heart_eyes:

-Random balcony concerts around the neighborhood, including a girl playing the latest thing she’s learnt on the recorder each day to huge applause

-Reconnecting and checking in with old friends

-Putting thought into homeschooling, and what is ACTUALLY important to learn.
My daughter rollerskating the deserted streets, practicing her reading from gig posters and graffiti (‘Free Palestine!’ ‘Kill Fascists!’)

-The many stories of kindness and community spirited actions happening all over


extra 550? Shit how much are you getting on the dole? Sounds like I might be better off without a job!

I’ve noticed the local parklands have gotten way busier with people walking, running, riding pushbikes etc now that everything else is shutdown. Even seen a coupla real fat little doggos having the time of their lives!

Wonder if this will translate into real lifestyle changes for some people.

As a single with no kids, I’ve been getting around 660 a fortnight up until now (this includes rent assistance), so the extra 550 from next fortnight on will bump it up to a little over 1200.

But it’s only for a few months though before we’re forced back into our regular old subhuman status. I wouldn’t go quitting a job unless you’re facing wage theft, exploitation, unsafe practices etc (it’s the australian way!)

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Holy cow. Thats not far off my fornitghly wage. Granted I only work part time. Might have to reconsider that! My job has sucked arse ever since it got privatised, robbing bastards. Anyway, hope things get better for you. Make tunes and be well!

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Same to you!

Walked off my last job when they wanted me to mop the ceilings with strong chemicals and no eye protection. All 3 jobs before that were engaging in wage theft. Housemate works for one of the big supermarkets (starts with “c” and should be pronounced c**t) & been getting screwed for years.

Done with shitkicker jobs - I’m having a holiday!

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the exploitation and abuse of the working class …I understand I am one… we are struggling to maintain our lives and no one seems to care. take care mate

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Since this is a positive thread, I have hope that if enough people who had previously been pretty comfortable with the status quo were be forced to confront this reality over the next year or two and push for change. Plus I’ve noticed a fair bit of talk recently about the pitfalls of relying on overseas manufacturing for everything - so even addressing that could go a long way.

And all the best with your own struggles too


Very nice thought indeed.
I would add that the best thing to do would be to confront with themselves first and foremost. Pitfalls and shortcomings of every economical or ideological model tend to be very clear in the beginning to individuals that avoid chauvinism and learn to cultivate humility and the always underrated pythagorean silence.

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I’ve occasionally wondered what it might be like to take a vow of silence. Seems like now is as good time as any to find actually out


No way? I hope it applies to us newly unemployed who are essentially self employed. It’s a bit confusing, but hey, definitely not complaining.

Yah, the info was a bit all over the place at the start. Coronavirus supplement (i.e. extra 550) will be automatically added to the following payments from April 27 for up to 6 months:

  • JobSeeker Payment, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance, Sickness Allowance and Wife Pension
  • Youth Allowance for job seekers
  • Youth Allowance for students and apprentices
  • Austudy for students and apprentices
  • ABSTUDY for students getting Living Allowance
  • Parenting Payment partnered and single
  • Farm Household Allowance
  • Special Benefit.


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That’s a whole lotta more pizza than I anticipated.

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LOL. Probably afford a bit of garlic bread too