The moment I 'got' it

My very first synthesizer YouTube video (including informative commentary)! Also my very first composition on my very first ‘real’ setup. So I’m using the Digitakt for drums, percussion and bass, and for controlling the Model: Cycles, Neutron and Microkorg.

The latter two synths were actually gifted to me by my brother, who himself doesn’t know too much about synths but he was just happy to support me. So initially I didn’t really know what to do with the Neutron and Microkorg, as they were never really on my radar at all. I was just going full Elektron.

I ended up getting a bit stuck feeling like I couldn’t make a complete track with either the Digitakt or Cycles. As I’m kinda new to synths I also didn’t get MIDI and what it can do. So i took me literally eight months to grasp how they can all work together and how to actually connect them.

And wow, that was suddenly when it all clicked. It was magical to get to control all those machines from one place and have them basically jam with each other. I probably ‘get’ 90% of the posts on this forum much better now; and also why you would want to spend so much money on synths, lol. The sheer possibilities…!

Anyway, long story short; I’m just very happy to be part of this world and making music with these funky machines. The Neutron feels at times impossible, but I do kinda love it. I’m looking forward to more moments where it all just clicks and everything is all inspiring. And thanks to everyone on this forum; I’ve learned massively just reading all these topics.


Made a second jam. I feel I’m getting more comfortable with everything, but at the same time I feel like I’m getting way more conscious and losing some of the early spontaneity. It’s probably part of the process of really getting to know the ‘hardware’. Anyway, I’m still having a ton of fun with everything :slight_smile:

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Really good jams! Nice setup and vibe!

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Thanks so much! That’s really encouraging :smiley:

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