The new "very different" Elektron wild speculation thread

whoa what if elektron did a portastudio that could multitrack to octa-style flex machines

i dont even know how that makes sense. i guess processing through tape, then into it’s own buffer. but with the ability to like p lock the speed pot to a crossfader? i’ll work out the prototype

What’s defeating Elektron is they aren’t courting buyers who to only use it for ten minutes at a time.


If Elektron aware that they start to become a little bit of a joke by those kinds of threads. I mean they somehow fuel it by loud silence but my hype level is lower than ever since syntakt is ok but misses too much. And that they do not jump into the retro love of the MD and the MNM makes it worse.

Look at Consoles and emulation of old and beloved games. Its not the same but you can play them.

Bring Legacy Kits to the Syntakt :wink: its not the same but people will love you.

If Elektron starts some kind of subscriber shit and software as a service there will be so much hate.


What if, to capitalize on their USB class compliant capabilities and compete with Apple, they designed there own ElektronPad with their own software instruments and effects :thinking:

Midi clock with some ‘alarm’ samples.


This is the death of art. It forces you to constantly evaluate the validity of something you can never truly own, in terms of “bang for your buck” or “ratio of investment input to successful output” and other bullshit cancerous mind pollution that tries to turn you into a content and product cog.

Bob Ross is sorry, he won’t be painting today because he can’t afford his paintbrush subscription.


This and this and this.

Little of topic, but just to chime in. I was in the creative Business some years ago and became pretty sick one time. Had to stop everything. Adobe CC subscription was escential then but had to stop it because its fucking expensive. Totally lost track due to all of this…and over time I truly forgot how all those programms I need work.

So subscription model plans in any form or way. Never. And everyone here should fight those models with all their heart.


I can only hope the ‘something different’ is some support for you Rusty so that MDEdit can get released….



Absolutely hyped for Power Supply PSU-3d



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“Our focus groups keep suggesting padded cages for children”

Maybe, perhaps, the threads are a little bit of a joke!


Did y’all make a 24h watch schedule for checking patent updates yet? Can’t lose focus you know.

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I must admit, I checked the Swedish database before starting the topic, just in case. Nothing yet :slight_smile:


Good. More time for speculation then. :nerd_face:


Lol, I set reminders for products getting back in stock. I bet someone’s set up push notifications for Elektron filings :stuck_out_tongue:

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Anyone remember this stuff?

the good ol days :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Would be sick if Elektron made a mixer that integrates super cleanly into a DAW for multitracking and has all sorts of on board effects on it that can be sequenced on a per channel basis.

That would be rather amazing.

First post: not a mixer

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