The new "very different" Elektron wild speculation thread

I mean while we’re dreaming, give Access/Kemper a run for their money :wink:


Taktone- the DT and DT in one box.

MachineBongo - new top of the line hardware bingo simulator.

Elektron Bread - like corn bread but a bit different. Tastes a bit better if you eat it slightly off the beat.

Sand Powered Battery Bank - To force you to sit cross legged on the beach and create “beats”. Detects non beach sand and self voids warranty. Idea apparently stolen from Teenage Engineering.

Musical crayons - squeak Mariah Carey songs at you as you draw.


These names are so funny :joy:

For some reason, I feel that, before this special new hardware they might be working on, they will release a crazy firmware update for most of their machines, at least the Analogs, Octatrack and Digis, to have an harmonized UX/UI as they tend to do it on the digis formats.

It would be good for their eco system, and is completely doable I believe, even on the octatrack, as it would mostly be visual update. I mean, just this I would be happy if every boxes behave the same way.
Plus I got an Octatrack recently, so I would really like this :smiley: and so far, there was always a major update coming a few weeks/months after I bought one of these machines.
Digitakt -> 2nd LFO and so on
Digitone -> right before they harmonized with Digitakt
Now I have the octatrack for 2 months, it’s time :smiley:

MachineBongo just rolls right off the tongue, it’d be crazy if they didn’t go for it honestly.

Yeah, I’m sitting here with a Rytm and an A4, would absolutely love a update to the Rytm at least. A4 is fine I think.

It might be the last update that comes, at some point they’ve got to phase them out right? Maybe stop selling the Analogs, keep the OT and release a new big boi.

My thoughts too.
That would be the last update (except corrections after release).

Potentially harmonizing UX/UI, solving pattern changes issues and a few additions if they could.
Already the first 2 would satisfy me :smiley:

My dream is that Elektron is working with Bitwig on a dedicated hardware controller. It’s unrealistic but gosh if I wouldn’t be the happiest guy


can’t the keys go on the back of the boxes? That would save some space.

This is the thing that I want them to do the most. I want polyphonic playback on the Digitakt. Let the Digitakt steal voices and give it the Digitone’s voice management system. I’m more optimistic about something like this eventually happening because the Syntakt could probably use this more than the Digitakt.

Also, scales on the Digitakt. Arps on the Syntakt and Digitakt. Keyboard folding on the Digitakt and Digitone. Retriggers on the Digitone.

Hell, give us the option to use a track as an fx block on the Digitakt and Digitone. MIDI retriggers and arps. And internal routing for MIDI tracks.


Elektron Fold

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also they could do like a belt/rack arrangement that would enable you to reach both sides at once, like a 21st century keytar.

I dont see why not.
I like it the way I made it though.
Too me it’s perfect.

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Another Model to go in the new branded sleeve, massive updates for existing machines (better deal for them to double down on this because of supply shortages), Elektron software + controller, and another synth or drum machine flagship eventually


Greentakt : 6 sources portable power plant, up to 3kW, including wind power, photovoltaic, biofuel, Geothermal, hydro power, Wave power.
Song mode available of course.

I had a big insider tell me they are working on a new product to hopefully have a huge effect on Behringer… whatever that means…idk.
Thru said it well be a industry disruption by including a separate engine from all the big companies except Behr…
It will be a workstation with a sequential track, a moog track, a oberheim track, novation track, roland track, waldorf track, and it will feature a battery handle designed by teenage engineering, all in a sleek portable elektron plastic chassis for on the move. It will be called model: analog muvngruvtakt.

Grabbed this from the Dataline Machinedrum jam thread, he seems to think that a “return to the core” is in order. How ‘bout that? Think he’s throwing sneaky hints or just wishful thinking out loud?




That was a swift and unequivocal no, I see.

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I’m betting on a Model: Circuit that’s an analog synth.