The Ol' shirt still going strong - is yours

Few years back I printed a few shirts.

You still wearing yours?

Mine are still going strong


Cenk was wearing this once or twice (i think he saves it for special occasions!) - such a brilliant design. Love it.

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Good to know :grinning:

I gave my away to a friend as it was little bit too big. Now that i’m fatter I wish I could claim it back!

If a second run was forthcoming i’d be in for another…

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Ha! Hi Matt
Been a long time.

Don’t think I’ll be doing another run anytime soon.

Kids - time and stuff.

That being said, I wouldn’t like to be without.

Got a mate in the merch printing business so will never say never.


Gave it him at one of the first night of machines - Jetlag lounge in London

Mine is still going strong
Brilliant design

What does it mean?

Intriguing trigs, don’t you think ?

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