The OT Track muting problem

Where did you hear that?

On this forum, couple of timesā€¦

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Iā€™m one of these new users since 5 months :wink:

I didnā€™t even think the ā€œmutes problemā€ to be a problem, ah ah, I just thought ā€œOK, I wonā€™t use mutes that wayā€ and went on.

The only real gripe I have with the OT, besides its limitations and particular mentality that one has to deal with or get another machine, is the bug with scene-locks on pickup machine tracks, but even this bug doesnā€™t prevent me from using pickup machines ah ah!

As for the OT as a live machineā€¦ I have used lots of gear, hard and software, machines and controllers since more than 15 years and the OT is the BEST live tool I have usedā€¦ So I just canā€™t understand people saying they canā€™t use it liveā€¦

Anyway, to each its own way, I feel Iā€™ll still be loving and abusing this beast 20 years from nowā€¦ Or Iā€™ll be using the OT2 if one day this dream comes true!

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I believe arranger mutes work on trig level, contrary to what someone said on this thread. I may be wrong; I donā€™t use the arranger a lot.

Yea this is definitely my biggest issue with the OT by far far far.
It wouldnā€™t stop me using the OT liveā€¦ its just really really annoying

The only workaround I have found is to with slow the rate down to zero by holding func and turning the knob
(only works which the rate control is set to [PTCH} mode.
or to hold [track] and keep pressing [stop] until the effects tails are done and then mute.
Or use the XFADE.

Anyway yea it seems like OT development isnā€™t happening anymore as someone has said, and I understand Elektron are a small company with limited time and resources.
Still its a real pity.

You are not wrong. The arranger does work like that. But if you set arranger mutes on a row currently playing, it doesnā€™t change until you go to another row and then back again. So I have not found a practical way to use the arranger for realtime muting/unmuting.

The best work around is to get a midi controller hooked up so you can quickly fade out a sound with amp volume. Any controller with 8 sliders would work, I love Novation LCXL for this. I use it so much I donā€™t even think about it.


Would that work even when the amp parameter is p-locked? Mine usually areā€¦

Iā€™ve seen a video about that! Iā€™ve been really itching to get one of those and give it a try!

Like the amount of control with that makes the Oktakontrol looks likeā€¦not as good(I suck at analogies)

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Another suggestion for a workaround. If already mentioned, I apologize:
With the full pattern in the copy buffer, clear the track you want to mute, mute when fx tail has died and then paste the full pattern back again.

Works well for one track, but youā€™d have to be quick to clear several busy ones, naturally. I just tried it a couple of times and it was very easy to do.

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I think what ever is pā€™locked stays pā€™locked and the rest of the volume will just travel with the sliders. I havenā€™t tried it though.

Seriously you have to give it a try. It really turns the OT into another beast.

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The thing is, when I switch one track off, there is an extreme cut in the sound (of course Iā€™m turning it off and therefore it should do it), but,ā€¦what happens with the tail of the sounds?

Imagine I have a track with a very delayed sound on it, and I would like to turn it off but would like the queue of the delay to keep sounding until the end of the trig even if Iā€™ve already switched off the trackā€¦Is there a way to do so?

Iā€™m experiencing this behaviour and I believe there must be something for this not to happen, as in a live situation itā€™s not a very cool thing.

Hope you can help me guys!

Thank you in advance.

Do you mean muting when you say switching off?


Found thisā€¦

I guess it is the only way.

DaisukMar '14

[i]Tired of your reverb and delay tails getting cut off when you mute a track?

Instead of muting, go to the AMP page and minimize VOL quickly by holding FUNC while tweaking it to the left. VOL will snap to -64, instantly cutting off the sample, but the tails will remain. [/i]

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AnigbrowlMar '14
Unfortunately thatā€™s no help if you use the arranger to mute tracks or if youā€™re in the mixer window and you want to mute and unmute quickly using the buttons. To preserve your effect tails in this context you have to rely on thru tracks, which cuts your track count in half and obviously has greater potential for error in live performance. Itā€™s a small thing, but it makes a big difference - I too would love, love, love sequencer mutes.

there is also that trick to use cue signals as send effects in the octatrack itself by using one track that samples and plays back those cue signales in "real"time and putting reverb or delay on that track.

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You are right-

Thank you very much!

Itā€™s been kind of crazy between work and a couple of music projects with different people, so I havenā€™tā€™ had a chance to make a video yet, but the aux send trick discussed in this thread helps to smooth over track mutes.


Other workaround to keep fx tails : mute with VOL Amp page parameter or Filter Width, with an external midi controller.

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