The OT Track muting problem

Gotta mention scene --> xvol min (appears on amp page when holding scene)…


I don’t use XVOL that much but I thought it was post effects, comparable to turning the track volume down.

No that’s xlv, there’s also xvol which is pre fx…
As far as I’m concerned scene->xvol min is the standard OT pre fx mute method…


I totally forgot, I’ve only used XVOL. Thanks for the reminder, that could be useful.

Yeah I found it usefull once, don’t remember the context.
Maybe crossfader curve, you plock Vol+XVol

I use it all the time, assign some tracks xvol min and some xvol max for smooth track transition fades with fx tails… I mix things in several ways but that’s one of the main one’s for me…

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Yep wish they would change the mute buttons to xvol mutes or sequencer level mutes.

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Totally agree. FEATURE REQUEST !

The XLV, XVOL and XDIR parameters can be regarded as a set of extra volume controllers on top of the LEVEL, VOL and DIR parameters.

XVOL can be also useful if you want to fade in/out with crossfader and plock VOL with different values.

Yeah, xlv is the one I completely forgot about. I use xvol from time to time.

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Just a thought, scenes could be set up to do this in the arranger.
Instead of programming mutes, program a scene # instead, one that is plocked to the proper volume param.

isn’t the arranger the one place where you DO get fx tails? because it just stops the trigs rather than the track audio?

edit: oh maybe we’re talking about the difference between performance mutes and programmed ones. The arranger has some performance possibilities though - skipping between infinitely repeating lines already set up with mutes etc…

I haven’t used it for a while, but I know I like the muting behaviour so it might be worth checking out.

Master send fx solution is great though, I don;t mind ‘paying’ 1 track for it

Hmm, I had never stopped to notice really.
Maybe it does, I rarely use mutes.

If you can spare the tracks, you can have more than one aux in parallel. Only one send control though, but there are still all sorts of possibilities, and if you need another aux on one specific track you could manage that I think (never tried) by setting that track as the rec source and using AMP volume on the receiving track to control the send level (as opposed to using cue).

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Not sure if this has been discussed before, have tried you tube and the manual, but no joy! After a track has been muted it is possible to still the fx tail still running, say a delay etc?

as far as I know you have to use the AMP volume to ‘mute’ not the track mute

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Discussed recently. :wink:


Thanks! That link helped, did search for fx tails on here

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