The Overbridge Problem

Holy crap. So, the AR came out in what, 2013? And there’s still no back up tools. Well, I guess we have our answer.

the AH does not have a backup till now . Still dont get it , because it is mostly just copy over the source code to the other maschine, adjust the specs and compile… I do not think that they program all in asembler code.

Yes, the problem is the lack of sample backup and the frustrating process of having to do each project individually. The latter is not as big of a deal as the former. The only solution is to manage a sister folder on your computer that is in perfect step with the AR plus drive. Unfortunately, I didn’t do that (didn’t know I had to until too late) as well as I used Strom to create a bunch of these samples and load them directly into the AR.
So yes, three years + and no solution. We don’t even know how much space is used/left on the plus drive.
You can imagine our frustration (AR MK1 users) watching a newer model come out with some of the features we have been promised for sometime and being told “don’t worry, it’s coming for you…at some unknown point in 2017…oops, I mean 2018…maybe”


I’m hoping you guys/gals can help me understand OB a little better. I’m embarrassed that I’ve been using an AR for a couple years now, and I still don’t know if I understand all of what OB is supposed to be. As I understand it, OB is supposed to provide:

  1. Audio Interface functionality
  2. Multi track audio streaming
  3. Backup?
  4. VST interface
  5. “Total recall” with DAW

Is that pretty much it?

Since I run at 24bits, I haven’t seen a lot of benefit in being able to stream some, but not all, of my AR tracks. I’m also turned off about only being able to intercept an individual track stream pre-fx and compression. What exactly was the intention here? We know that USB can handle the bandwidth of 12 tracks (my audio interface can do it), but not OB.

I haven’t been able to wrap my head around #5. What does a saved state recall, exactly? Patterns? Is it just machine states? Does total recall return states of all kits being used in the project, or just the active kit at the time of DAW save? If so, what’s the point? The AR is doing this automatically anyway. As an example, if my AR has a bank full of patterns and kits, and I “total recall” a DAW session that was saved with a completely different set of patterns and kits on the same bank, what happens on the AR? Are all of the pattern/kit relationships that are only on the AR lost? Is the state of the active kit lost? What about the patterns?

Sorry about all the questions - I’m really confused about total recall, and am probably missing something obvious.

The roll-out would have been a good idea, but I don’t think it is gonna help at this point. This is something that should have been considered before development ever began.

Personally I’m very disappointed. I bought a Digitakt at Christmas and I’ve barely touched it. I figured I could wait until February for Overbridge and get used to how it works until then. However, I quickly discovered I need the DAW integration if I’m ever going to use it properly. I’m sick of having to unplug my headphones from my computer to use it, and then what’s the point if everything is stuck on it. I could buy a cheap interface, but then I’ve spent money on something I shouldn’t need, and even then there are more issues to contend with such as loading samples quickly and having the multi-track functionality.

It’s getting difficult to resist the Mrs’ arguments for selling it.

#5 Total Recall Mode of Overbridge:

So I am actually a beginner with the rytm and A4 mk1 and made a fatal mistake by activating the auto sync button in overbridge mode, with both machines full of patterns with stored kits.
With one auto syncronisation the whole project got overwritten.

I really didnt know why and never expect that because I was a noob.

So you have to decide Autosync only with Overbridge Mode or
in the Elektron Box only without the risk to loose your hard work.

And that is the big paradoxon: Overbridge means unexpectet Software issues.
Elektron Hardware stands for stability und bugless hi end music production hardware.

They want to get both working on a really high standart as many pros out there expected.
And I think thats really hard to succeed.

This is news to me too… Had no idea AR had no backup method, Elektron is looking shady af right now

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AR has backup ,but only project by project, you cannot back all at once . some elektron devices have that option.

I think that too many different issues that don´t have anything to do with each other are mixed up in the talks about Overbridge and Elektron product policy. The development of the MK2s and the Digitone took years. I imagine a few people working on these machines and doing nothing else during this time. Why would Elektron NOT release these just because another product - overbdige - does not work? I don´t think that industrial designers, engineers who deal with the manufacturing and designers of the UI and sound-engine are of any help to the team who codes overbridge. It is an easy game to blame them for releasing new machines before the old ones are 100% bug free and with the featureset they were introduced with. But then again think of the release of a new machine like a big train. Once it was set into moving it takes miles for it to stop. What do you expect? That they shut everything down entirely and meet with all employees at the overbridge-desk every morning until it´s finished?

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Wasn’t it just mentioned you cannot bckup the samples with projects a few comments above or is that incorrect?

well that might be the case, but as the AR mk1 cannot sample like OT or DT I think it does not matter that much. you had the samples on your pc before using them. ofc it is not a complete solution, but the AR refernces the samples by hashes I think and not where they reside on the +drive .