The place to brag about your unexpected bandcamp sales

So, you just received a bandcamp sales notification off your obscure but awesome project that never got a lot of attention because you suck at marketing, and you want to share the joy ? This is the place.


And I’ll start , because it just happened now. It was very unexpected because the album was out in 2015, the band is actually “on a break” because … Life.
And it’s from a French power pop punk band , sung in French.
So a niche inside a niche inside a niche etc.
And it’s a physical sales, some people still listen to CD’s :dizzy_face:
We NEVER sold any CDs on bandcamp before, so it’s amazing. Obviously it’s not about the money, but the fact that someone liked our wankers music enough to spend 5 hard earned € makes me feel happy.

Here’s the link too :


I can see why they would buy! Just listened to adopte un punk & père mittent and they’re both great. Added the album to my list of upcoming Bandcamp purchases


Wow man awesome , thank you very much !

I’ve made $60 in all times sales and I’m just baffled, honored and humbled… especially since I would be more then happy if people just chose to download my music for free.


60 is good considering how people consume music now !

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yeah, i’m somewhere around the £40 mark at the moment and find it odd that anyone would pay money for this stuff! one of my tracks turned up in someone’s online DJ mix last month and that made my year. i’ve never heard my music in the mix before!


Congrats! That’s my dream goal!


That track is lovely.


Thank you very much !