The Renoise Thread

I just purchased Renoise and I’m rather impressed! It feels like hardware but is software, use it mainly for the creation of sample chains and separation of single sounds from longer samples.

This software has some great tricks under its cryptic surface. What are your fav’s?

Mine (so far):

  • auto tune samples to C3
  • set up patterns independently of instruments/sample slots, as in the OT, as well as phrases, to quickly create several OT chains with identical structure
  • save slices as separate files, coupled with transient slicing --> just record a long audio with drum sounds and prepare it for the OT, which needs equal distances between slices
  • all those key controls/shortcuts! I prefer piano playing on the PC keyboard over mouse clicking.

Been a big fan of Renoise & Trackers in general for years!
What attracted me to the Elektrons in the first place is that they are essentially Trackers with tactile control.
Haven’t had much studio time lately so haven’t upgraded to Renoise 3.0 yet, maybe get it done next week.
One thing that annoyed me a little was the code switch away from hex which I knew (at the time),inside out! Still that’s progress & it opened up even more functionality!

Favourite stuff has to be side chaining, meta devices, LFO’s & the shear amount of FX.

Really wanted to see the inter track stuff on the OT, even if it’s just side chaining compression/expansion!

Check out KeithX303 on youtube, love his stuff. Obviously a bit of Venetian Snares doesn’t go a miss either :slight_smile:

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i’ve purchased couple of elektrons for the same reason, and i’m not disappointed so far.
third version is way more flexible and feature rich than the previos one, so I still feel like scratching the surface. my favorite thing about renoise is when i set up some cool sounding pattern and then accidentally (or intentionally, hehe) switch to completely different set of sounds/fx chain. then some magic things happen. modulation and meta devices are amazing as well. and i really adore pattern matrix :joy:

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Did not know which Renoise thread to post on, took this one, move if necessary.

I am watching the intro video’s and I am impressed! I’ll get it on payday and explore further, … so sick of ableton live atm … . Need freshness!


You used to be able to download the demo version for free. From memory the main thing they disabled was the facility to render to disk. There may have been a few other things too but I never found them. I used the demo for prob 18 months before I bought a licence. Not sure if it’s the same now but we’ll worth looking. Renoise is a cool programme.

I mainly used it as a huge sampler and sequencer combo. Folks used to moan about the onboard FX and dynamics but they do the job just fine. There’s better out there but fir what you get included it’s great value and hours of fun. It was my only DAW for years

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Renoise users out there, will downloading Renoise increase or decrease my GAS for polyend tracker?


Maybe. It forestalled my desire for the Tracker for the time being, but maybe not indefinitely. Because all of my music is made in my studio, the Tracker might seem a bit superfluous with Renoise. However, because I was involved in the factory content, I will probably buy one for posterity’s sake. And because it looks cool and I am a weak, weak man… :crazy_face:

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Tis the season.

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Renoise user here and no desire for the Polyend Tracker.


There’s a free trial, give it a go.

Even if you bought it right out, $65 dollars is nothing compared to a $700 piece of gear.

But, Renoise is my DAW of choice for composition- it’s so quick and purposeful. It hits the right spots in my brain, it’s what I like about Elektron except it pushes me to make proper songs instead of pattern jams.


Yeah, I’m loving the OT’s arranger and understand it was influenced by the tracker software interface. The price on renoise is incredible, so I will definitely check out the demo.

I am also hoping it has a light footprint if I am mostly using it for sample playback to ensure smooth playback on my aging laptop.

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decrease at a rapid rate


It 100% did for me. Got my template project setup with everything connected via MIDI and have been programming away. Definitely by far the best tracker I’ve ever used. Interface/usability are miles ahead of any other one I’ve ever tried.

EDIT: I can also speak to:

It seems to be very well optimized from my experience so far. My old iMac and my Linux laptop can run it with a large amount of tracks without breaking a sweat. Honestly can’t say enough good things about Renoise.


Mine only ever falls over when I’ve got a stack of VST’s running on a load of channels. Even then it gives you plenty of advance warning, starting running slow etc. I just got into the habit of saving regularly for the odd occasion when I’ve been reckless! Sometimes I render channels down when I’m happy with them and run them as samples to free things up and take some pressure off the CPU.


I am in love. Renoise in the most inspiring creative musical environment I’ve ever encountered and I’m almost stricken with grief for all the time wasted not using it.

I can’t believe it’s less than $100 :exploding_head:

And there are so many great free vst and samples available on the internet, not to mention how easy it is to render your own sounds for instruments. Endless possibilities!
Also it runs 32bit or 64bit vst simultaneously! There are so many old 32bit gems out there by Psychic Modulation, Elektrostudio, KB plugins, etc….

I’m done searching for the “perfect budget friendly hardware setup”. I have Renoise and a cheap midi controller. (if I crave pads or keys)

I’m just so happy because I’ve made no music for almost 2 years and felt stuck in a rut creatively. In Renoise I feel like ideas just effortlessly flow, and sparks of inspiration are so easy to stumble upon, and I’m finally enjoying “the process” again.

If you’re on the fence, all this is just to say get the hell down and try it! (But be patient and give yourself time to grow accustomed to it, if you’re attracted to trackers at all you will develop a wonderful creative relationship and flow)


Can Renoise use multiple inputs? - I have a lot of USB audio devices and ideally I’d like to be able to select different devices - AR, DN, 3x MX1, AH, MC-707, OPZ, and various inputs from those. Possible?

Also does it support VST3 instruments like Zenology Pro for example?

Mucking around in this last night, had downloaded before but it’s nice to finally dig in a bit more. You sort of realise ‘step recording’ is a bit of a tracker feature, no? It was fun last night just jamming on keys and sort of populating the patterns with data - need to dig into manuals and quick start guides though. Feels like a cool next software mission… also a Polyend Tracker mitigator for now :slight_smile:

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I really liked the polyend concept as a long term Renoise user but ultimately found it too limited.


It’s weird the way ‘piano roll’ has dictated most daw softwares for years, you get the feeling tracker approaches have their merit and may creep into other workstations in the years to come. I’m still too much of a noob to really be able to put my finger on the differences, but the difference is there and immediately apparent. There’s a push with tracker software, constant advancement, I’m not sure totally yet but it’s something missing from piano roll

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Once bitten etc… I find the tracker way is such a quick way to get ideas down but that speed is helpful when composing too… I guess it’s what you get used to. Couldn’t be without my Renoise! I might be an outlier but this is the sort of stuff I use it for, full songs rather than a ‘granular’ approach