The Renoise Thread

In the manual:
Render or Freeze Plugin Instruments to Samples

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Ctrl+Alt+R or File menu -> Render Plugin to Instrument…

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If I make a bunch of xrni’s I can just zip them up and share the file with other users right? I’m feeling inspired about taking on a project like that… I started recording some synth one-shots earlier in the year but burned out pretty quickly especially after making a bunch of drum samples prior to that, but xrni presets sounds more fun. I initially wanted one-shot wavs so I could share with non-Renoise users but, meh…


Yep, they’re self-contained; the xrni file is essentially a zip file with the instrument config and all the samples inside it, and provideded you only use native Renoise effects in the instruments effect chains, the xrni files also work in the Redux VST plugin.


Got interested in trackers from M8 and Polyend Tracker videos. Somehow the workflow fits with where I want to go next in production.
Installed the Renoise demo two days ago, love it.
I have some hardware synths, 2 grooveboxes, because Daws only occasionally inspire me to make new stuff.
This puts a crack in that train of thought, but it’s very early. So I will surely buy Renoise, but even at 75 euro I will have to sell an fx pedal or something because my music budget is used up until 2024.
But the most important thing is; This software inspires and makes me curious and happy with the results. Using this might have a positive effect on how I use other gear.


Definitely a good decision! Welcome to the club!

Love Renoise. Its workflow just clicks with me in a way no other music making approach ever did


I think it will be 75€ well spent! I bought a Renoise license in 2015 and it’s still valid today and taking updates – it’s also nice how you can install it on as many computers as you’d like, for example I run it on Linux if I don’t want the distraction of all the plugins I have in macOS, and the license is fine with that.

Renoise is by far my favorite way to make music on a computer.


Wanted to check the website this evening but got a warning from Mozilla Firefox that there are problems with the website. It could be an expired certificate, same issue with the forum. I get the message in Dutch so can’t translate terms like that.
So I hope things will get sorted out.
Keeping an eye on Renoise to make sure I can buy it this year.

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Yeah, looks like their cert expired at Feb 3 19:54:50 2023 GMT. I’ll see if I can find their support email and shoot them a message in case they don’t know.

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Noob question that has been on my mind since I briefly tried the demo ages ago: is there a way to “play” the samples that are loaded in the upper-right area of the screen? As you would by tapping the 1-8 keys of the Digitakt, for example. Couldn’t figure this out in the brief time I had with it and it was frustrating.

The upper right area is the Instrument section, and if an instrument is selected, they can played with the computer keyboard. One can move up and down the instruments quickly with Alt+Up/Down Arrow.

Yes, you can use the qwerty keyboard to play the currently selected instrument chromatically: z is the C note and < is another C, an octave higher… it keeps going up the keyboard. You can change which octave you’re in as well, to transpose the whole thing up or down. These keys are also used for inputting notes into the pattern editor when in record mode, so it’s useful to familiarize yourself with the keyboard layout.

You can select different instruments with the keyboard, rather than clicking — I believe the default shortcut for this is + and - on the number pad, but I changed it so don’t quote me on that.

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Great, thanks.

I can’t find an email address :frowning: it’s just one of those forms to submit a message, which won’t work unless they fix the site.

Oh well. Hopefully someone tells them or they’re already aware. I imagine their forums are down too

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I just put a reaction under their YT latest vid, from 10 days ago about Scale & Key.

Thank you, I don’t think I expressed my question clearly though – I know about using the computer keyboard to play a single sample chromatically, but is there a way to play the sample slots without having to cycle through them with cursor keys? The use case would be, for example, tapping out a beat using multiple sample slots as a drum kit.

Yes, this is possible. That said, there is some confusion that needs to be set straight. The upper right area that you are describing is the “instrument slot”, not a “sample slot”. Each instrument in the instrument slot can have a number of samples which can be mapped in many ways. One of those ways is to map a number of samples as a “drum kit”. For example, if instrument “A” is selected, and it has 10 samples of any kind mapped to 10 white MIDI keys, these can then be played with the computer keyboard as needed. As @lowph described, keys from row z to ,, and row q to i, are two sets of white keys, q to i an octave higher than z to ,.


I think you may need to use 1 instrument slot, and then drag the samples you want to play across to the left side sample list. Though im not in front of the computer right now so cant test.

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That answers it, thank you!

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You can treat the instrument slots as sample slots, by simply making single-sample instruments if you don’t want to dig into creating multi-sample instruments. You’ll probably eventually want to though; they’re really great.

To set up a multi-sample instrument, just select the instrument from the upper right corner and then go to the Sampler tab. Within the sampler view, your sample list will be on the left. You can even set up different FX chains and modulation lanes for the different samples within the same instrument.

It’s actually pretty intuitive inside the sampler area. I think it’s really powerful… It’s by far my favorite software sampler! Their documentation is pretty straightforward too, but we’ll have to wait for the site to be back up :smiley: