The rhythm lab

Actually this is very interesting… Why Elektron hadn’t think about before… Or something is going undeway? Anyway this could be the kind of MIDI sequencer that my Nord mod. G1 needs bad!

Looks mega at a glance. Gonna have a closer look.

Oh gawd, that’s hot, GAS engaged!!

Couldn’t see any pricing info - anyone know?

No price info btw… Early 2015.

[li]This thing will probably be more expensive than 2.5 Cirklons.[/li]
[li]Why the fucking fuck don’t they offer a photo showing the top panel controls so that people can get an idea of what the fuck the thing will do?[/li]
[li]Why is there no video demo?[/li]
[li]Who are the people behind this and what did they do before?[/li]

Got an email from them this AM for my waiting list confirmation, price TBD but “as affordable as possible”. I would guess at least $1000 or more with all of the features listed…