The Rytm Input : High headroom?

Is there no way whatsoever to set the level for the synth that one plugs into the AR input? I tried to use my ER-1 through the AR, but I can barely hear it even though I have the vol at max on the drum machine.

It would be nice to have an extra input as I would prefer not needing to use a mixer for playing live. But if I can’t get some volume from it, it’s kind of pointless. (As I don’t feel like lowering everything else that I have carefully set up.)

Thank you!

I think the manual recommends using the compressor.

What are you using RCA to 1/4 inch balanced?

I think just a regular tele-cable? : o

Sorry I’m not so knowledgeable about these things.

So is there a way to use the compressor to add volume to my ER-1 without it also effecting everything else?

I think there’s a input gain. Try it.

The cable might be your problem.

No input gain or individual level setting on the inputs of Analog Rytm.
The inputs mix with all the internal drum sounds.
Compressor then affects them all.

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So, to be clear, if the signal is low there is nothing I can do?

I have a small Behringer mixer. Maybe if I put it through there first and fiddle around I can get some boost!

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Maybe lower the internal levels in comparison to the inputs?


I really wonder why bother adding such a useless input


I’ve just had a try with an iPhone at full volume and it’s definitely quieter than the RYTM. Would mean turning down the RYTM parts by at least 30% I think.

So yeah, not so good :-1:

you really need to gainstage the AR to a low internal operating level in order to stay sane with mixing the sounds from the inputs. This reduces effective gain ranges considerably tho, which with the 127 value resolutions, is certainly less than ideal. But I guess there’s no way around it…

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Thats probably true, but I could have the same problem when I try to connect the ESX into rytm in a nearly future


Maybe lower the internal levels in comparison to the inputs?[/quote]
The inputs on the Rytm seem less well thought out than on other Elektron machines. Sorry, I know I’ve made similar remarks before but I don’t understand these design choices :zonked:

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Yes I don´t understand the design of the Inputs either, they seems very low and I would love to have some control of level, pan and efx ala the inputs on the A4. It might be that it´s coming in a later update?

Another thing is the design of the click track. It really bothers me that the click goes to the headphones and the main out, without an option to change the routing of the signal.

I been talking to support about this, but unfortunately there´s nothing to do since it´s a hardware design and can´t be fixed in a software update.

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RCA are unbalanced… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The analog input signal just mixes with the analog internal main mix going into the analog compressor.

The hardware cannot be updated in a future OS, so don’t stay up for it. :slight_smile:

True, the same analog main mix goes to the main outputs and to the headphone outputs.

About the inputs & levels:

Battery-powered gear tends to have quite low power supplies and therefore also low audio output levels, but in a studio environment (or with a proper mixer) the levels should hopefully be enough.

The analog input signal just mixes with the analog internal main mix going into the analog compressor.

The hardware cannot be updated in a future OS, so don’t stay up for it. :slight_smile:

True, the same analog main mix goes to the main outputs and to the headphone outputs.

About the inputs & levels:

Battery-powered gear tends to have quite low power supplies and therefore also low audio output levels, but in a studio environment (or with a proper mixer) the levels should hopefully be enough.[/quote]
so, i’m (more or less) ok with the fact that the hardware can’t be changed with an OS … but the problem remains though (for me at least)

why should i turn down the levels of the AR so to accomodate a really low input level? that doesn’t make much sense to me…i would rather want to have control of the input’s level than having to turn down AR’s levels each time
i’ve tried with lots of different devices and no matter what, the audio input is really low meaning that if i had to turn the AR levels down to compensate, the audio coming out from the AR would change as well :thinking:

assuming that the above mentioned solution works, which settings should one use? would have not been easier to simply mix the incoming audio at the level it gets in and then let the user choose its level? this way doesn’t make much sense to have an audio input when you can’t actually use it…but that’s just my opinion…

I guess the assumption is that you’ll amplify the other instrument using a mixer or something. I don’t agree that this is an issue limited to battery powered gear; while Elektron gear is quite loud I’ve had many pieces such as an Access Virus or my Nord G2 that put out relatively low levels by default. I’d be lost without the gain control on the Octatrack, omitting it on the AR seems like an oversight. Perhaps it can be amended on a mk2 model in the future.

BTW thanks for the very specific answer /mr - it’s so much better to get a definitive explanation (even if it’s a negative one like 'can’t be fixed in an OS update) than to be in the dark and speculating that something might get changed in future. At least this way it’s something people can plan for.


How do you mean?

I know it’s not ideal, but you could use an external compressor that can boost the volume. You get some sidechaining with it too. I use that to send the A4 signal into the rytm.

Can anyone recommend a compact 2ch line amp that could be used to boost input levels on the way in? I’ve looked at some rolls etc gear but so far haven’t found anything really compact (aside from passive stuff which of course only attenuates levels)

As it is now, I would need to gainstage everything to match an input signal, which means that first I have to make a “level calibration kit” for reference if I want to make new kits on the road without any extra tonegens with me. Sheesh, I need to rebalance/gainstage all my existing kits I suppose :stuck_out_tongue: