The Rytm Input : High headroom?

Sorry. Wrong unit. It’s actually this one he has, but it must be a pre-USB version:

Looks like +48dB.

Like I said, not used this, but I’ve been using a pair of ART preamps in my studio to amplify control signals. Running 9 years now with 0 issues.

EDIT: Just saw the other ones you posted. The powermix should def have you covered, at least +27dB. And you get 2x2 extra inputs. Or any of the others.

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coralhex, thanks!

This actually looks perfect since it has neutrik ins and quarter inch outs, and optional battery power :heart:


:+1: :+1:

I use the MX28 to connect all my toys in a fight case. It’s worked great. I had issues with the signal not being balanced on the art powermix…

Thanks for chiming in on the Rolls. Still not aquired any line amp for the Rytm’s inputs, your input is appreciated.

Overstayer Instrument Driver ID4.2 ?

Just getting back to the original post. Ive been running my Bass Station 2 through the ext input since i got the Rytm. Its sounds great and plenty loud enough, probably because i have been gain staging my Kits to suit the BS2. I think you have to be very careful when applying the overdrive to individual sounds as this increases the volume substantially, i always make sure to reduce my track volume when applying overdrive. The bus compressor can be quite brutal too so i just use it very gently so my individual sounds aren’t to squashed.
This is just what has worked for me and it sounds great :slight_smile:

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Yep the bass station has enough gain I’ve done the same, but I don’t like the rytms compressor enough to bother, in fact the external in is pretty useless as is, I just won’t bother.

Yes I have learnt quick that gain staging is important with this box, I find it pretty frustrating to get everything to sit nice with dist and comp and still do edits, it always feels unstable and if you hit the comp too hard it just sounds flat and digital.

Try to keep Dist and comp off till very last rather than mixing into them. So adding an external input while experimenting just adds problems.

i’ve found that using the MM helps a bit with the AR input. at the moment on the AR input i’ve the MM outputs and the Blofeld goes into the MM. i’ve lowered the levels on the AR (for all the kits i made :sob: ) and as h4ndcrafted suggests, i’m not using much the compressor (but yeah!! distortion for sure :smiley: )
the MM doesn’t need much amplification so what i get on the AR input is pretty good. for the Blofeld i set the levels of the input channels a bit higher (the Blofeld itself isn’t that loud :thinking: ) and the overall input level sits pretty well with the AR output. sure it would have been better not to have to look for alternatives, in a machine that comes with an audio input you’re expecting a minimum of control on it but… (won’t start again :slight_smile: )

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Also coming back to this.
I get yesterday my Rytm.
So now i want to know your experience what will be the best solution for routing the signal.
I have also OT.
My Soundcard is RME FF-400.
Three option i have.
OT => Rytm
Rytm => OT ( i don’t need for Sound Mangling)
OT and Rytm => FF-400

Thank you for an answer

All the best,


OT and AR both into the RME is the best. Recording that results in two individual stereo tracks. Better than only one! You can adjust volume sepereately for each physical machine and apply different effects for them after recording this way.


Dear Tonfarben,
thank you for the advise.
I was thinking about, but sometimes you lost something because you never do it.
All the best,

how strong is the attenuation?
if I am running an audio interface into the Rytm input would that be okay?
any way to change a few electronic components to keep the input at unity?

Just a note for people because I saw this thread come up again. If your connecting just the A4 to the Rytm it’s very easy to get a loud enough signal by simply using the headphone out on the A4 with a Balanced TRS cable into the Rytm. The A4’s headphone output is low impedance so it’s plenty loud enough for the Rytm.

I just got back from vacation and it’s how I was jamming in the hotel room, A4’s headphone jacked and a mogami cable plugged into the Rytm’s input. Sounded great and I didn’t have to worry about gain staging in the Rytm at all as long as the A4’s main volume was turned up.

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I have an A4 and a Rytm and I bought yesterday an insert cable to go out of the A4 into the Rytm but…not loud enough. I had to lower each pad on the RYTM by 50% to have fun. Then I saw your post and went to the store again and bought a balanced trs cable and connected it via the headphone out.
On max Master Volume on the A4 it gives me exactly the same level than the insert cable before :frowning:
Its not a mogami cable but that should not make the difference in gain.
Any suggestions ?
I think its poor performance that these 2 Elektron boxes dont do it without
a seperate amp obviously!?
cheers olaf

The thing about a Mogami cable that might matter is that it is very low impedance. Impedance is the amount of electrical resistance, and a low impedance signal will have less resistance to the signal and a higher signal level because of it. Most high end cables have a lower resistance and the Mogami has a particularly low impedance.
I don’t have any other TRS cables to test right now but the A4 headphone out with a Mogami 2534 cable into the Rytm definitely works.
You do have to turn up the A4’s main volume but it’s plenty loud enough to compete with anything on the Rytm as long as you are not using the track overdrive heavily on the Rytm (that makes channels on the Rytm very loud quickly).

Yeah, lower impedance might make a difference .
I just tried to use it with the RYTM factory sounds , and it is as loud as via the normal out with a insert cable into the RYTM, means too weak.
Wehn I lower the pad Volume by 50% it fits, but the price is less punch from the RYTM.
It would have been a compact way of using it, but now I use my Fireface and this is just great.



My current setup is an audio interface with two outs using ableton that goes directly into a mixer. I was considering upgrading my interface to have four outs - two direct to mixer, two that run into the Rytm for compression. Can anyone check if they can send a hot signal to the Rytm with little/no attenuation? I don’t want to put forth the effort just to find out its as bad as the attenuation on the Analog 4.

My knowledge of signals is shaky, but if you send a signal over 0db it will only clip once it reaches something, correct? (i.e. a signal at +10db going into a mixer will only clip once the mixer receives it; the signal isn’t clipped in the cable.) So you could send a signal over 0db and once it hits the Rytm’s attenuation it will be fine? Or will it clip leaving the audio interface?

I love so much of the Rytm, but certain things are more poorly executed than on the machinedrum which is 10+ years old

I’m about to grab a Rolls MX51s

26dB of gain for line-level sources.
Need just about 3dB more than the max output my Volca Sample can give to the Rytm. Like you, I’m not wanting to go back and restructure levels on all my kits.

$50, and the Mic input may come in handy if someone leaves their lights on in the parking lot.

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Would it be much of an issue to run a Blofeld through the inputs on an AR as I know the Blofeld is pretty quiet?