The Soft Pink Truth

Couldn’t find any topics/posts on The Soft Pink Truth here. Just wanted to see if anything else here feels that they are impressively balancing straight dance music with sound experimentation? In that sense, they make the perfect music for me right now since my listening habits oscillate between the two poles.

Their latest release „Is it Going to Get any Deeper than this?“ even sounds like a great live concert/set that magically flows. I would love to see it performed live, but they don’t seem to exist as a real live band as it is still more of a one man project with studio musicians.

Also really loved „Shall We Go on Sinning so that Grace May Increase?“, which had a similar coherent flow but felt a bit less like a band and more produced/electronic.

The great thing is that I am usually not really into house and their more „dancey“ parts are quite housey. But combined with all of the soundscapes in between I really like these parts.


This one is 20 years young. Still my favorite.


Nice, have to check that out. Only know their last two albums and am not that into house, what else would you recommend?

There’s a very recent article/interview on the Ableton site for some cool insights into recording process etc on the new lp


Wow, you call that house? Interesting.
Where’s the straight 4/4 kick and offbeat hihat? Tempo seems wrong too. This is at 107bpm.
To me and most people who are into house, this is next-level electro funk or techno-R&B!
A lost art…
I have to admit I never connected as much with the later releases, although I respect everything he released.

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This is another one that works for me, but it’s ancient too (Released on: 2004-10-25).
Electro jungle new wave:

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Their black metal cover album “Why Do the Heathen Rage?” is pretty fun and funny.


I didn’t know they were still going.

I’ve got a few of their records from about 20 years ago. Still sound playable actually.

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Soft Pink Truth and Peaches rounded out the saucy tunes for us at grad school parties in Toronto

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These kids are playing live. Saw them this summer. Mazin

Also see the Russians bringin it. Turn Youtube Subtitles on.