The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

LFO destinations for ARP parameters, once we get the ARP of course :grin:

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I would love to see the retrigger parameters as lfo destinations :space_invader:

ā€¦Also a glide control for parameter locks would be great!


Totlly agree on this list

Thereā€™s a delay when restoring from messing up/going off, back to OG temp pattern. Cycles is instantaneous, also no back button like cycles when tweaking parameters. Pretty disappointing .

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+1 , wish !
in find, there is under several circumstances a small delay notable.
hope its just a thing of optimizing some things (code)

these firmware updates, whatever they are, are going to be the most eciting firmware updates of all time in my book

i canā€™t wait to see how they improve this thing. seems like a lot of potential in n already packed machine

i assume they left lots of room for upgrades since the days of octatrack dsp limits

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this is a great idea. i second this request. like a qper/perf mode for timbre adjustments. maybe my favorite aspect of the a4 is the ability to use the qper knob as a sound design tool for non-destructive experimentation, as well as a sound-altering performance tool

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Was just about to post about the same thing, then saw this :slight_smile:

This would open up crazy modulation possibilities. Seeing as this is a synth machine, Iā€™m not sure whether variations in velocity actually affect the sounds (before using velocity mod), maybe some of the machines do react to velocity. Though its not really a problem, its a shame that you cant edit aftertouch and mod wheel data.

Something like an independent velocity depth would be cool (so set it at min for no depth at all, max for full, etc).

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For all the digi-sized boxes, Iā€™d love it if we could re-assign the filter envelope as a mod source. Itā€™d be cool if you could also make it looping


I donā€™t know if this is a bug report or a feature request, but FILTER KEYTRACK doesnā€™t provide proper octave tracking when set to 100 (still flat). I would also like an option to let the filter ring out for longer when pinging it with UT Impulse. Even with max. RESONANCE settings the dampening ist quite strong (unless I missed something?)

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Got my Syntakt today. Here are my desires for this bad boy.

  • 1 or 2 assignable envelopes
  • The machines are cool, but we need some more parameters. Maybe a 2nd syn page. Itā€™d be nice to be able to dial in a few more settings.
  • Another digital kick machine
  • Polyphonic on the SY machines
  • Arpeggiator
  • Unless I missed something, thereā€™s no way to set the mixer in to stay the same globally
  • A compressor would be nice, but only if it can be bypassed by certain tracks, or at least the input
  • Chorus!

Thereā€™s a one shot mood for the LFOs, so you can use those as envelopes.

To be able to FM machines w/ one another.
To use machines as LFOs

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Oh I know. I want more modulators :slight_smile:

This might be possible already, not sure, and I havenā€™t read through all of the above so probably already thought about but Iā€™d like to load different sounds across trigs on 1 track. Like an entire digital machine monophonic drum kit on one (or more) track(s).

Been years since I had a MnM but I really liked using a couple of tracks with drum kits over trigs and playing out patterns that way. From memory, I think this was using the DigiPro engine but was a lot of fun. Other Elektrons can do this (my AK can) but not sure if ST can (yet).

Maybe Iā€™m missing something, but it seems like thereā€™s no way to use the TRIG modifiers on already sequenced tracks without triggering the sound. If I use the TRIG ON method, then hitting a trig modifier triggers the sound, if TRIG is OFF, then I still have to hit a sound trig to trigger it. Iā€™d love to be able to be on the track I want to be modified with TRIG OFF, but then be able to hit the M buttons whenever I want to alter the sound live without triggering the sound itself except when its step comes on the sequence.


ability to step sequence retrigs and retrig timings, thereā€™s even two empty boxes on the trig menu. It would make sense to have this in an elektron drum machine

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If you [TRK] + [TRIG 1-12] keys to select a track, does it Trig the Sound?

Dear Elektron!
Please change the function of the ā€œTRIG MODIFIERSā€
We need performance buttons (Like Rytm) and not a (expensive) poor peopleā€™s MPC.

An (alternative) additional function might be useful:
When pressing the keys, the set trigs are manipulated (instead of triggering new ones)

Besides that:
This is an excellent product.
Great work!
I love it!


This is probably a stupid question, but is there a shortcut to load presets into tracks like on the a4/dn/rytm with the double tap track buttons?

Or do you have the load them via the sound browser menu/sound pool?

Couldnā€™t find an answer with a quick manual search, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m just missing something obvious

As for requests, I was very excited to have analog + digital filters on the same track. One of my only disappointments when it arrived. I keep finding myself wanting to further carve the analog timbre with a second b/w digital filter. The synthesis options are so limited that it would be nice to have as many sculpting options as possible.

I realize itā€™s possible in the fx track, which is very nice with the new filter types, but master filters arenā€™t great for individual track sound sculpting

I also second the ā€œkitsā€ request. And voice stacking triggers as on the dn