The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Yeah they are! But imagine a 3 osc machine with WT as options. The Micromonsta has it and it makes it so much deeper.

The digitone is there for you! With 4 oscillators even!

Yeah it is, but thatā€™s not on here!

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And every device should be able to do everything right? With every new feature you want I suggest thinking about which buttons would be used to access these features, and what features (like ease of understanding for a user) would have to be sacrificed.


A new machine doesnā€™t need extra buttons, right?

I think Iā€™m getting some kind Karplus Strong effect with the SYBits engine, with bit reduction set to 127 and oscillators set to no noise and detuned a 5th. Itā€™s a creamy cello-like undertone thatā€™s quite loud, discovered by accident. If thatā€™s what it is, Iā€™d love to understand whyā€¦

I remember having my mind totally blown by the ā€œKarplusedā€ preset pattern on Digitaktā€¦ tried to grab the string sample and it was ā€¦ ā€œGrainyā€ from the noise folder.

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Iā€™d like to request chorus


These would be great!


i like the idea of a more mi elements or aas chromaphone but as @jeanne mentioned in the syntakt sound thread, a Volca Drum style ā€œwaveguide resonatorā€ would be very useful. i would love a flexible resonant body like that for melodic synths and more atonal drum sounds to add body to textures
the toy synth is similar, and i like it a lot. but i think something like this with potential layers would be even more useful

i would also like Direct Jump. I keep my rytm locked to that pattern mode at all times and iā€™d rather not have to stop/start every time i switch patterns

hopefully they can add polyphony like they did with the a4 in subsequent fw updates. i dont think iā€™d considered that, although iā€™d rather have multiple, even paraphonic voices inside a single digital track at least

i also vote for using mod tracks 13-16 for midi


I was thinking about Datalineā€™s complaint regarding control all(regarding the Chord machine) and it would be cool if you could FUNC + SRC on a track to have the option to toggle its being affected by control all

(This would also be cool on the other Digis)


i think maybe my favorite or at least one of my top favorite things about the A4 is the ā€œQPERā€ knob. if we could somehow temporarily turn one of the 8 param encoders or even maybe the Level/Data encoder into a perf knob, with even just the 4 mappings that the modifiers use, i would really have a lot of fun with that.

i not only use it as a very dope performance tool, but for sound design. having the ability to turn a knob and dial in different levels of multiple parameters to drastically alter your patch can be very useful for experimentation and exploring options you otherwise may have overlooked when designing a preset sound

i especially love mapping all tracks to Filter Freq 1 &2, but even if i could only map the frequencies of 4 tracks from a single filter , i think it would be a massively powerful function

i would also appreciate the ability to preview Rtrgs per step, but that isnt a top priority

Is it ok to quote/transfer this into here?


This was a very disappointing omission. They told us it was very challenging to implement on the DN but they managed to get it done. So did they forget how they did it? Why did portamento disappear? Bending a note is a relatively rudimentary musical idea. Itā€™s basic synth functionality.


Thereā€™s a lot to read here which I will do eventually. However thereā€™s 2 things Iā€™d like to see in syntakt but also in digitakt and digitone and perhaps will benefit in their other machines too. I did write into elektron lastnight about this, so who knows but will put it here too.

I will do my best to explain.

  1. Iā€™d like a record+play ā€œlive recordā€ for all boxes that are syncā€™d too the master box. Exampleā€¦ I have digitone into syntakt into digitakt right now [see pic below]. When syncā€™d it allows me to press play / stop etcā€¦ on master digitone and it controls all 3 boxes. However when pressing record+play to ā€œlive recordā€ it only activates it for digitone and not the other 2 boxes. I wish that record+play would turn live recording on for digitone and syntakt and digitakt all at once. I just think the work flow would be much better for and maybe others if that was an option. Right now you have to press record+play on the master box, then put in your stuff, then go next to syntakt and hit record and put in your stuff, then go next to digitakt and hit record and put in your stuff. I just want the record+play to already be ready!

  2. A built in chromatic tuner! Iā€™m not sure why we donā€™t have one, considering that these types of boxes have many ways that manipulates the tuning / pitch and can throw things out of whack and leave you to a guessing game of what the tuning of that bass track is now etcā€¦ Just having a simple yet effective chromatic tuner available at any time would be awesome. Or an alternative would be like say you have your syntakt keyboard set to A minor. So you got a sound you like for track one and you go and tweak the tune knob which is set at 0.00 but if you moved it to 1.00 itā€™s now an A#, move it to 2.00 itā€™s now a B etcā€¦ What about at least showing the note itā€™s in next to the numbers that changes in the little drop down menu at the top of the screen for the tune parameter or anything else that may alter it. However Iā€™d still vote for a simple chromatic tuner screen to check our notes with.


I wrote in about a new randomize feature awhile back. Sometimes you donā€™t want all of the parameters to randomize on each page. I proposed an option. Each knob A through H is tied to a parameter. Each knob has a press feature. So why not press knob that goes to whatever parameter you want randomized + yes to only randomize that parameter etcā€¦ :slight_smile: I think itā€™s a genius idea that needs implemented!

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A far wider range than 16 semitones for the ā€œdetuneā€ parameters (how about 52) would be awesome for my kind of sounds [I often do on the Bass Station II]. So far I use LFO 2 to push detune higher.


Did I miss something or theyā€™re no way to filter sounds by analog/digital? This is really painful when trying sounds in sound manager and having to try preview to only see the ā€œsorry not compatibleā€ message.

It really needs a visual cue to see incompatible sounds and a filter to quickly hide them based on analog/digital machine.

Other request:
Would love an ā€œOCDā€ DIgi upgrade kit with all black buttons for T1-T4 + 9-16 buttons, blue leds and white OLED screen for DN and only the white screen for DT.
The DN/DT/ST trilogy comes together perfectly except for these, and itā€™s triggering me badly.


When in the sound browser, press a track to select between all sounds or sounds only from this track type.

EDIT: wrong info sorry. This selects between all sounds or sounds only from this BANK.


But if you would press one encoder to randomize the parameter you could also just tweak the encoder randomly just as fast.


Yes I realize that but scanning fast can miss sweet spots that a randomizer could hit quicker sometimes or hit something you missed by scanning past it. Pressing a knob and hitting yes over and over workflow is faster then scanning to me anyway. Just another way of doing it either way. Iā€™m ok with it the way it is now with randomizing the whole page, but I still think having separate parameters randomize is a nice feature if it was an option.

Also another suggestion is some sort of matrix option in the setting menu. You have A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H blocks in there and you can check which letter / knob you want randomized at any time. So if you have block B - D - F checked, then when pressing page+yes itā€™ll only randomize those paramters that are set to B - D - F.

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