The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Yeah, pressing and turning the knobs might lead to different results. Generally i’m in for every new randomizing feature.


Echoing what others have said here about Arps for both audio and midi machines - I can’t believe that wasn’t there from day one. Similarly for the single Midi LFO. I was really looking forward to using this for drums and sequencing with my Eurorack but for now it can’t replace the OT where I make extensive use of Arps in scale with LFOs to give variation. I went back to my DN to remind myself of what goes on there and it’s equally disappointing that there’s no MIDI arp but least there’s one for the tonal tracks and a button for it.

Not sure how you get this to work? Whether in sound browser or sound manager, the bottom row only activate filter by banks. Changing tracks doesn’t filter anything for me, is there a key combo I missed?

This applies to many Elektron boxes, but I would love to see a Note Frequency Multiplier setting for the LFOs.

Currently there is BPM and a pure multiplier. I think it would be very cool to take the ratio from the current note (since tracks on the Syntakt are mono, this has a chance of working). This would allow the LFO to have “tuned” effects. It would make them even more valuable for audio rate effects.

I realize the LFOs do not cover the whole frequency range (20hz - 20Khz), but it still would be cool to have it pick the closest matching ratio.


I am sorry. I have given you the wrong information. Pressing the bank button repeatedly toggles between sounds on that bank and all sounds.
I formated my drive and saved own sounds in the banks that relate to the track type (for example I save cymbals and hats in bank D). So for me it works as I described, but I forgot not everyone has theirs set up like I do. Sorry.

It seems that others (in the conversation above) are reporting that the sound browser DOES filter sounds based on if the sound is digital or analog, but you must select the track first before opening the browser, as switching tracks will not update the browser if already open.


Thanks for the clarification.

I’ve also mentioned the wrong one, as in fact the sound browser filter sounds for the currently selected track, but the sound manager does not. And when you’re adding sounds to your sound pool it can only be done in the sound manager, and the lack of track type filter is painful :frowning:

yeah i actually havent had this problem yet. i just select whichever track im in, then hit “Func” + turn “Level/Data” encoder and i can browse my preset banks. i havent gotten an “incompatible” error msg yet. if this is because it changes the machine to fit the preset, im happy with that behavior

maybe i just havent tried opening a synth patch on track 12 or something? not sure. but the current behavior seems fine to me

i would like to second the vote for:
-sound lock improvements (also the ability to save sound locked sounds maybe)
-more tune jump intervals
-wider “detune” range on dvco
-RELATiVE SENDS TO FX TRACKS sounds incredible
-micro delay
-ACTIVE STEP especially!
-the NOT X:Y condition, maybe some more boolean style logic

i’ve been really interested in the Xaoc “Leibniz Binary Subsystem” and i feel like it would be really interesting to have things like bitmasking, binary phase accumulation, binary transfunctioner, bit inversion, binary conversion, impulse integrator, somehow integrated into the sequencer and/or machine functions for more creative glitchy options

i have no idea if thats possible or what, and we do have bit reduction, but applying that to the sequencer somehow would be so cool. i love the idea of an interconnected version of a modular system in an elektron groovebox


I believe it was because I had lfo all over the place on that pattern, because I tried to replicate the delay in other patterns with no issue. So that’s good, still miss back button tho

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Why don’t you put them on the same track (sound lock feature)? That should do the trick.

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Well, it would be nice to have it through the analog and digital tracks. However, the sound lock feature is more convenient than I hoped:

“Trigs, complete with all parameter lock settings, can be copied, pasted and cleared as well. GRID RECORDING mode needs to be active to access this functionality. Press and hold a [TRIG] key and press [RECORD] to perform the copy operation. Paste by holding another [TRIG] key and pressing [STOP].”

That’s cool and a functionality similar to the Novation Circuit Tracks (which is for me the gold standard). I wish Syntakt would be as easy to use as the Tracks. With the Syntakt, it’s always one or more unnecessary additional steps.

Yep. I have the one or other suggestion myself. (Meaning long lists). But! It gets me straight to the center of my imagined sounds. Yesterday I had the Volca drums on audio in to FX - heavens…


It allows you to mess with the sounds more when they are on different tracks. For example with hi-hats, you can edit both the open and closed sounds in real time. Once you start plocking you lose that ability.for at least one of the sounds to be easily adjusted.

I found choking various low frequency sounds with each other on the DSI Tempest a nice way of keeping the bottom end clear.

Fun thing to play with, not a big deal.

After playing with the Syntakt for a week, I would much rather have portamento, and a transpose feature like the A4 has before anything else added… Then sample playback on the analog tracks like RYTM so you could use analog filters, etc.

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Yeah ok. I guess for that very special purpose that’s why there is audio in - and then plug in Volca drums, RD-9, TR-606 or a spare MPC :wink:

Turned mine on yesterday and the OS 1.00 just hit me hard. Started making music and thought of how good it is already.
You know once some of these requests get filled, this machine will be a major player in the music scene.
I want to rescind my ask for a sample player but I would still love the ability to load waves.


Slide trigs and parameter slides would be very nice. They can transform an A4 pattern completely with a little swing. I’d like to see that on the syntakt + direct jump


the main thing I’d like is the scales to behave like they do on my other sequencers : so say you have something already playing / looping, changing the scale / root key at that point should dynamically change the sequence, so you can flick through to see if it sounds better or cooler in a different scale.
The scales included are rad, but it’s a bit annoying that they only govern inputting notes, not modifying existing ones.

that, plus reverse, pendulum, random etc for sequence modes. and an arp- like everyone else has asked for. an arp that’ll run at a different rate to the main sequence clock division…


Does anyone know if there is a way to copy the FX track completely (routings trigs and parameters) to another pattern? I was trying this the other day (haven’t gone back to it yet) and could not find an easy solution other than copying each parameter page or the entire pattern.

Maybe this is impossible, but I wish I could use a trig on the FX track to P-Lock which tracks are using the analog FX. Basically the picture you see with FUNC+FX, but with the ability to set that per trig on the FX track.

For example you could have a 4:4 trig turn on effects for a set of tracks. Then you could automate FX transitions (or maybe I missed that there is already a way to do that).


Global Mixer and global FX Block Setting would make the ST a game changer for live performance

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