The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

You can do that on the tracks themselves though - that’s where the ‘actual’ send parameters live - so not the same but kinda halfway there


I’m new to the Elektron universe and for the last three days I was absorbed in experimenting with my new Syntakt. I absolutely love it.
So far the biggest issue for me is not being able to route the click to just the headphone output. I’m a drummer and I’d love to use the Syntakt in live situations. Not being able to run a click that doesn’t go to the main out makes this quite impossible though.

I’m also grateful for solutions/workarounds/methods people here are using.



It’d be awesome if there could be a modifier setting for different fill arrangements. So you’d have FILL, FIL1, FIL2, FIL3.

Also, the modifiers need tobe playable over presequenced stuff. I’d love to use it live for embellishment and such while a pattern is running.


Advocate for an SDK …


Modifiers can be recorded live into sequencer with live recording mode. So maybe do that and then reload the pattern and go back and forth as a work around?

Not wishing to sound dismissive about your needed FR, but the horse has already bolted on this one, in that these two outputs are intrinsically identical electrically - so there’s no firmware fix in the pipeline - you’d have to use another small device (maybe bespoke) to make a click from the midi clock/transport or add something ‘cheap’ like a volca (after doing some research of course) - it has to be something that’s been solved in an existing product

Your only other slim possibility would be to hijack the source of one of the analog voices and ‘soft’ remove it from main - this would necessitate a click track on every pattern and you obviously loose a track and a precious analog voice at that and also blow your warranty - if it’s even vaguely doable for the risk involved


I guess Elektron is assuming that most people view the drum machine itself as a click track. Rimshot or clave and then delete or mute track. Audience hears it too of course

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You can’t play melodies with the modifiers, nor am I trying to do live recording of new sequences during a live set.

Go into second page of AMP for a machine track. There you can send the track to FX Block. Try P-locking that.

Not sure how possible it is. but I also which the retrig mod handled multiple tracks a bit more easily. Pressing two or more tracks at once usually results in only one being trigged. You sort of have to cascade them for it to work and even then it doesn’t quite feel as smooth as it can be as a performance tool. The retrig on the MC works better IMO.

Thx for your reply! I suspected as much… I’ll follow the lead on the volca method.
Have a good one!

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Sure! I might just want a clap on the 4 of every other bar with my backbeat though. That’s tough without a click. But I get what you’re saying.

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Second page of CC knobs on the MIDI track please :slight_smile:

It deemed to me on the other day, that a greater detune-range could be introduced with an additional parameter in the Setup-page, directly below octave - like “OCTAVE DETUNE”.

For those who don’t know this parameter yet, “Octave” acts individually per synth sloth.

Please give us more features.


I said kits before but the more I play around from pattern to pattern I’d just like to say



I do really think it would streamline production and make this box way more fun

And thus the best band name ever was born from a seemingly innocent typo.


Only a couple of days (and probably 1-2 hours) with this box but I’m very pleased with it. I previously other owned Digi sized boxes so I know the workflow but still, it’s so easy to just sit and dial in some sounds and start making a little beat or coming up with some ideas. The macro synth engines suit me fine, it’s very easy to create simple bass, lead, pluck sounds etc, and that’s just with the SY Bits, I’ve hardly touched the others yet!

Couple of requests…

  1. Can I please have the ability to save a sound directly into the sound pool. If I start a project “fresh” and I do sound design and sequencing in one sitting then I want to save sounds directly into my project and not necessarily into the +Drive, and if I want to sound lock I think I have to first save into the +Drive and then load into the pool. That’s a pain.

  2. I think they recently added a feature to the Digitakt (correct me if I’m wrong) where you can tick a box so the delay/reverb settings stay “global” across patterns. That would be nice here too.


The option to either completely disable FUNC+PLAY or at least have Syntakt ask before deleting my stuff … wtf @.@ …

I still don’t know how I manage to clear all patterns of all slots, … twice …


Yes, on DN ( i think possible on all square elektrons) i save pattern to project immediately after fun+ yes mostly. Not because i‘ m able to create patterns that are really important, but the feeling if lost…
Project must be saved once and not toggled, something i managed to overlook a few times because i did it without watching.
Edit, probably you know press play again does undo clear…